Accounting Companies and Currencies in SRP

All documents in Accounting are created for a specific Accounting company. When an Accounting user creates a document manually, the document is created for the user's current company. SRP adds the Company field to various PSA objects and maps the field to the resulting Accounting document. This avoids the need for PSA users to have access to the Accounting Company object or company records via user companies.

This applies to the following flows:

Auto-Populating the Company and Currency Fields on Billing Events, Expense Reports, and Miscellaneous Adjustments

The Company field that SRP adds to the Billing Event, Expense Report, and Miscellaneous Adjustment objects is automatically populated from the region, practice, or group of the related project. This ensures that PSA users do not require access to the Accounting company object or to have a currently selected company.

As part of the setup process, you must:

  1. Decide whether to use regions, practices, or groups to determine the company. This is defined in the Company Source for BE, ER, and MA custom setting field.
  2. Populate the Company field on the region, practice, or group records.

Following the example in the previous section, you might define the Accounting company for your regions as in the table below.

Regions and Accounting Companies

Top Level Region

Level 1 Region

Level 2 Region

Level 3 Region

Accounting Company

Global       Company HQ
  North America     Company HQ
  Europe and Middle East     Company HQ
    United Kingdom   Company UK
    European Union   Company France
      France Company France
      Spain Company France

In this case, when Charlie Jones, a junior project manager, generates a billing event for a project in the United Kingdom region, SRP automatically populates the Company field with Company UK. Similarly, when Sam Martin, a resource, submits an expense report for a project in France, the Company field on the expense report is populated with Company France.

As soon as the Company field is populated, SRP determines the Accounting currency that will be used for creating the Accounting document. The currency is set to the Accounting company's currency that has the same ISO code as the PSA record's Currency field.

For example, in Charlie's case, the Billing Event Currency field is set to the GBP currency related to Company UK. The Expense Report Currency field on Sam's expense report is set to the EUR currency related to Company France. This is because Sam is being reimbursed in euros. When Sam travels to London for a UK project, the Company field is set to Company UK and the Expense Report Currency is set to EUR. However, this time, the EUR currency record is a different one as it is related to Company UK.

As part of the setup process, you must ensure that each Accounting company has the appropriate Accounting currencies set up for it. This is also part of the standard Accounting setup process. For more information, see About Multi-Currency Mode in the Accounting Help.

Auto-Populating the Company and Currency Fields on Vendor Invoices

SRP also adds the Company and Vendor Invoice Currency fields to the Vendor Invoice object. However, in this case, the Company field is automatically set to the user's current company. This can be the user who creates the vendor invoice or a user who makes subsequent changes to it, including the user who approves the vendor invoice.

As part of the setup process, you must ensure that:

Alternatively, you can create a custom process that populates the Company field based on rules specific to your organization.

The Vendor Invoice Currency is populated with the Accounting company's currency that has the same ISO code as the Currency field on the vendor invoice.