Upgrading to SRP Summer 2022
See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action you must take. If you do not want to use or upgrade a feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps, you must have administrator-level user permissions in your org.
See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.
For information on new features and changes to existing features in Summer 2022, see New Features and Enhancements in SRP Summer 2022.
User Companies for PSA to Accounting Flows
Upgrade Steps
If you use the managed SRP permission sets, this feature is automatically enabled in enhanced mode. If you use your own permission set, take the following action.
Action |
Further Information |
Add the new c2g.Create Documents without an Accounting License custom permission to your custom permission sets for the following flows:
Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
Included in this Feature
This section details the items that have been added in this release for this feature.
Permission Set |
Custom Permission Added |
Further Information |
SRP - Billing Events to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes | c2g.Create Documents without an Accounting License | Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
SRP - Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes | ||
SRP - Miscellaneous Adjustments to Journals | ||
SRP - Vendor Invoices to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes |
Permissions for Accounting to PSA Flows
Upgrade Steps
To upgrade this feature to Summer 2022, take the following action.
Action |
Further Information |
Assign the new managed permission sets to the relevant users. | Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
If you use your own permission sets, add the new custom permissions to the relevant permission sets. |
Included in this Feature
This section details the items that have been added in this release for this feature.
Permission Set |
Description |
Further Information |
SRP - Journal Line Items to Miscellaneous Adjustments | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible journal line items. Also view SRP fields and perform actions related to the integration flow. | Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
SRP - Payable Invoice Expense Line Items to Miscellaneous Adjustments | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible payable invoice expense line items. Also view SRP fields and perform actions related to the integration flow. | |
SRP - Payable Credit Note Expense Line Items to Miscellaneous Adjustments | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible payable credit note expense line items. Also view SRP fields and perform actions related to the integration flow. |
Permission Set |
Description |
Further Information |
Create Miscellaneous Adjustments from Journal Line Items | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible journal line items. | Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
Create Miscellaneous Adjustments from Payable Invoice Expense Line Items | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible payable invoice expense line items. | |
Create Miscellaneous Adjustments from Payable Credit Note Expense Line Items | Create miscellaneous adjustments from eligible payable credit note expense line items. |
Syncing Regions, Practices, Groups, and Projects to Dimension 1-4 Records
Upgrade Steps
To upgrade this feature to Summer 2022, take the following action.
Action |
Further Information |
Add the new fields to the relevant page layouts for the following objects:
Updating Other Page Layouts |
Assign the required permission sets to the users who will be creating and updating regions, practices, groups, and projects. |
Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
If your org already contains a dimension record for each region, practice, group, or project record, manually link the records. | Setting up the Synchronization of Regions, Practices, Groups, and Projects to Dimension 1-4 Records |
Enable the integration flows by selecting the relevant custom setting fields. Each flow is controlled by a checkbox field. The following fields are available:
If you used the Predefined Dimension Mappings Feature Console feature to create dimension mappings, update the mappings to use the new lookup fields. | Updating the Mappings to Use Lookups Instead of Names |
Included in this Feature
This section details the items that have been added in this release for this feature.
Object |
Field | Further Information |
Dimension 1 | Region | Dimension Fields |
Dimension 2 | Practice | |
Dimension 3 | Group | |
Dimension 4 | Project | |
Region, Practice, and Group | Accounting Reporting Code | Region, Practice, and Group Fields |
Region | Dimension 1 | |
Practice | Dimension 2 | |
Group | Dimension 3 | |
Project | Dimension 4 | Project Fields |
Custom Setting |
Custom Setting Field | Further Information |
SRP Integration Settings | Sync Regions to Dimension 1 Records | SRP Integration Settings Fields |
Sync Practices to Dimension 2 Records | ||
Sync Groups to Dimension 3 Records | ||
Sync Projects to Dimension 4 Records |
Permission Set |
Description |
Further Information |
SRP - Sync Regions to Dimension 1 Records | Sync regions to dimension 1 records. Also view and edit SRP fields related to the integration flow. | Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation |
SRP - Sync Practices to Dimension 2 Records | Sync practices to dimension 2 records. Also view and edit SRP fields related to the integration flow. | |
SRP - Sync Groups to Dimension 3 Records | Sync groups to dimension 3 records. Also view and edit SRP fields related to the integration flow. | |
SRP - Sync Projects to Dimension 4 Records | Sync projects to dimension 4 records. Also view and edit SRP fields related to the integration flow. |
Mapping Improvements
Upgrade Steps
To upgrade this feature to Summer 2022, take the following action.
Action |
Further Information |
For any name to lookup mappings, ensure that records with matching names exist. For example, if you use the predefined dimension mappings, ensure that each region has a single matching dimension 1 record. |
Creating Predefined Dimension Mappings Using the Feature Console |
From Setup | Object Manager | Miscellaneous Adjustment, edit the object and select the Allow Search checkbox. This ensures that the Miscellaneous Adjustment object is searchable. | See the Salesforce Help. |