Accounting Task Launcher: Balance Configuration

You can use the Balance Configuration page in the Data Setup and Management section found in the Accounting Task Launcher to select which type of primary balance you want to be updated when transactions are created. For more information on the types of balance see: Types of Balance Record. You can also use this Balance Configuration page to schedule the On Demand reporting balance update if you wish to schedule your primary balance updates rather than have them update live.

Switching Primary Balance Type Mode

To switch the primary balance type mode:

  1. Click the Accounting Task Launcher , look for the Data Setup and Management section and click Balance Configuration.
  2. Select which type of balance you want to be updated when transactions are created:
    a) If you want any Salesforce reports that use budgets and balances to use live data, then you should choose Budgets and Balances.
    If you want your FinancialForce Reporting reports and Action Views to use live data, then choose Reporting Balances (recommended) and then choose “Live” as the type of update.
    c) If you want your Reporting Balances to be updated directly from the transactions and you also want to enable parallel posting, then choose Update Reporting Balances and then choose "On Demand Update" as the type of update (only mode compatible with parallel posting).
  3. [Optional] Configure the schedule to update your balances on demand. See Scheduling the On Demand Reporting Balances Update.
  4. If you want to make the switch now, click Save or Save & Full Sync as appropriate.

Scheduling the On Demand Reporting Balances Update

You can use the On Demand Reporting Balance Update Scheduler to select a schedule frequency and start time. When you use the scheduler to update the On Demand Reporting Balances, all company reporting balances in your org will update. You can access the scheduler from the Accounting Task Launcher. It cannot be accessed from the Balance Configuration tab.

The scheduler frequency can be set to one of the following:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

You can use the On Demand update mode in the Balance Configuration page to schedule your balances updates as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Type of Update drop-down list and select On Demand.
  2. Click Schedule On Demand Frequency.
  3. Select the Schedule Frequency you require.
  4. Select the Start Time for the balances update.
  5. Click Continue. A summary of the schedule you have configured will display below the Type of Update drop-down list in the Balance Configuration page.
  6. Click Save or Save & Full Sync as appropriate.

Editing the On Demand Balance Update Schedule

You can edit your current schedule as follows:

  1. Click the edit icon adjacent to the current or proposed schedule summary.
  2. Edit the schedule as required.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Balance Update Schedule

You can delete a balance update schedule from the Balance Configuration page as follows:

  1. Click X adjacent to the current or proposed schedule summary.
  2. Click Save or Save & Full Sync as appropriate.

Using the scheduler in the Balance Configuration page is the easiest way to automate the On Demand Update of the Reporting Balances. This scheduler will create a Scheduled job with the following parameters:

  • Job Name: Reporting Balances On Demand Update
  • Apex Class: OnDemandReportingBalanceScheduler

If you prefer, you can create the scheduled job manually by going to Setup | Custom Code | Apex Classes. Click the Schedule Apex button and use the above mentioned parameters. Once set up manually, the Balance Configuration page in the Accounting Task Launcher will reflect the scheduled job in the schedule summary and you can then edit it from there.


If you create the scheduled job manually and you give it a different Name (anything other than “Reporting Balances On Demand Update”) this schedule will not be reflected in the schedule summary found in the Balance Configuration page, but it will still work. We do not recommend that you do so, as you may end up with multiple scheduled jobs that could cause issues.