About Check Ranges and Numbers

ERP Cloud

Each bank account can have one or more check ranges associated with it. These normally relate to either a physical checkbook or a box of printed check stationery, but you can extend the range beyond this if you want. You may, for example, want to edit the last check number of a range that has only a small number of checks remaining.

  • If a bank account has more than one check range associated with it, only one can be active at a time.
  • Check numbers in deactivated check ranges are not voided, you can use them in future payment runs.
  • You can delete a check range, but only if all its numbers are still available.
  • The only fields that you can edit in a partly-used check range are its name and the last check number.
  • Individual check numbers must be six numeric digits and be unique across all check ranges for a bank account.