Reviewing Revenue Forecast Versions

Services leaders, regional managers, and project managers can use the Review Forecast Version page to review revenue forecast versions for projects and opportunities.

To use this page, you must have been assigned the relevant Revenue Forecasting permissions. You also need permission to view the relevant projects, opportunities, and milestones. For more information on Revenue Forecasting permissions, see Revenue Forecasting Permissions.


Revenue Forecast Version View is required to review Revenue Forecast versions when Respect Permission Controls is selected in your org. For more information, see Setting up Forecasting.

To view the page, do one of the following:

  • Select the Review Forecast Version tab.
  • Click Review Forecast Version in the Navigation pane on the Services Revenue Forecasting workspace. For more information, see Services Revenue Forecasting Workspace.

The revenue forecast version with a status of "Current" is displayed by default. For more information about the "Current" and "Previous" statuses, see Scheduling Revenue Forecast Versions.

To select a different revenue forecast version, click Switch Version.

To prevent anyone from making adjustments to a version, click Lock Version. For more information, see Adjusting and Locking a Revenue Forecast Version.

To update the page to reflect the most recent values, including adjustments by other users, click Refresh button.

To filter the data displayed, click Filter button. For more information, see Filters.


To move through the items on this page using your keyboard, press Tab. If you are using Apple Safari, ensure that you have "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" enabled in your browser settings.

Values are displayed in the corporate currency by default to enable you to compare values across different currencies. In the Forecast Breakdown grid, you can toggle Show Local Currency to switch between viewing values in corporate currency or local currency. For information on exchange rates, see Revenue Forecasting Exchange Rates.


If the corporate currency of your org changes, it is essential that you rerun the forecasts for all projects and opportunities that fall within the relevant version forecast period to obtain the correct values. See Running Project Revenue Forecasts, Running Opportunity Revenue Forecasts, and Scheduling Revenue Forecasts.