PSA Lightning Components

FinancialForce provides PSA custom Lightning components that you can add to Lightning pages. You can also customize these components. You need permissions to access and use FinancialForce Lightning components.

You can use Customer Success Cloud Lightning components in PSA. For more information about these components, see Setting up CS Cloud.

The table below provides a description of each component and where it can be added.

For more information about the Utility Bar, search for "Add a Utility Bar to Lightning Apps" in the Salesforce Help.

For more information about Experience Cloud sites, see "Getting Started with PSA Experience Cloud Sites" available from the FinancialForce Community.

PSA Lightning Components
Component Name Description Managed Locations

Supported Locations


PSA Actions: Account Billing Contains actions available for generating billing events from the Account page. None Account record pages PSA Actions Lightning Component Properties
PSA Actions: Assignment Details Contains actions for an assignment. Assignment Lightning Page Assignment record pages
PSA Actions: Assignments Contains actions to manage resource requests for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Contact Assignments Contains actions for contact assignments. Contact Record Page Contact record pages
PSA Actions: Expense Report Attachments Contains actions for expense report attachments. Expense Report Lightning Page Expense Report record pages
PSA Actions: Opportunity Financials Contains financial actions for opportunities. Opportunity Record Page Opportunity record pages
PSA Actions: Opportunity Revenue Forecasting Contains revenue forecasting actions for opportunities. Opportunity Record Page Opportunity record pages
PSA Actions: Project Billing Contains actions to manage billing for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Project Creation Contains actions to create projects from other projects, including templates. Project Management Workspace App pages
PSA Actions: Project Creation Contains actions to create projects from opportunities. Opportunity Record Page Opportunity record pages
PSA Actions: Project Financials Contains actions to manage project financials for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Project Planning Tools Contains actions to manage project planning for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Project Tasks Contains actions to manage project tasks for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Project Versioning Contains actions to manage versioning for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Resource Request Details Contains actions for resource request details. Resource Request Lightning Page Resource Request record pages
PSA Actions: Resource Requests Contains actions to manage resource requests for an opportunity.

Opportunity Record Page

Opportunity record pages

PSA Actions: Resource Requests Contains actions to manage resource requests for a project.

Project Lightning Page

Project record pages

PSA Actions: Risks and Issues Contains actions to manage risks and issues for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Task-Based Resourcing Contains actions to manage task-based resourcing for a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages
PSA Actions: Vendor Invoice Details Contains actions for vendor invoices. Vendor Invoice Lightning Page Vendor Invoice record pages
PSA Administration Actions Manage scheduled actions in PSA.

PSA Administration

App pages  
PSA Contact Card View resource information. Resource Request Lightning Page

All record pages

App pages

Contact Card Lightning Component Properties
DEPRECATED: PSA Create Project Create a project.
Deprecated in Spring 2022. We recommend using the PSA Actions: Project Creation component instead.
Create Project app page App pages None
DEPRECATED: PSA Create Project: Project Records Display an accordion of related object records.
Deprecated in Spring 2022. We recommend using the PSA Actions: Project Creation component instead.
None None None
PSA Edit Assignment Schedule Edit assignment actions on assignment records. Assignment Lightning Page Assignment record pages  
PSA Expense Entry Submit expenses against assignments, milestones, and tasks associated with projects.

Assignment Lightning Page

Expense Report Lightning Page

Milestone Lightning Page

Project Lightning Page

App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

All record pages

Utility bars

Expense Entry Lightning Component Properties
PSA Line Manager Work Planner View and edit assignments and resource requests of resources who report directly to you. None

App pages

Home pages

Work Planner Lightning Component Properties
PSA Link Assignment to Milestones Link an assignment to multiple milestones. Assignment Lightning Page Assignment record pages  
PSA Link Assignment to Project Methodologies Link an assignment to multiple project methodologies. Assignment Lightning Page Assignment record pages  
PSA Link Assignment to Project Phases Link an assignment to multiple project phases. Assignment Lightning Page Assignment record pages  
PSA Link Milestone to Assignments Link a milestone to multiple assignments. Milestone Lightning Page Milestone record pages  
PSA Link Project Methodology to Assignments Link a project methodology to multiple assignments. Project Methodology Lightning Page Project Methodology record pages  
PSA Link Project Phase to Assignments Link a project phase to multiple assignments. Project Phase Lightning Page Project Phase record pages  
PSA Link Rate Card Set To Rate Cards Manage linking and unlinking between a rate card set and rate cards. Rate Card Set Record Page Rate Card Set record pages  
PSA Manage Skills and Certifications Manage skills and certifications for resources.

Services Delivery Workspace

App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

All record pages

Utility bars


PSA Mass Approval

Approve or reject multiple timecards or expense reports.


App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

All record pages

Utility bars

Mass Approval Lightning Component Properties
PSA Mass Manage Skills and Certifications Manage skills and certifications for multiple resources. Skills Management

App pages

Mass Manage Skills and Certifications Lightning Component Properties
PSA My Weekly Summary A weekly view of the status of all your projects, assignments, and project task assignments.


App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

All record pages

Utility bars

PSA Project Gantt View project tasks and their hierarchy in Gantt format. Project Lightning Page Project record pages Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties
PSA Project Manager Work Planner View all resources, assignments, and resource requests. Project Management Workspace

App pages

Home pages

Work Planner Lightning Component Properties
PSA Project Team Schedule Manage resource requests and assignments for all resources assigned to a project. Project Lightning Page Project record pages Project Team Schedule Lightning Component Properties
PSA Records: Projects Awaiting Billing The grid on the Projects Awaiting Billing tab. Projects Awaiting Billing App pages PSA Records: Projects Awaiting Billing Lightning Component Properties
PSA Records: Billing Events Awaiting Release The grid on the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab. Billing Events Awaiting Release App pages PSA Records: Billing Events Awaiting Release Lightning Component Properties
PSA Records: Billing Events Awaiting Invoicing The grid on the Billing Events Awaiting Invoicing tab. Billing Events Awaiting Invoicing App pages PSA Records: Billing Events Awaiting Invoicing Lightning Component Properties
PSA Records: Invoiced Billing Events The grid on the Invoiced Billing Events tab. Invoiced Billing Events App pages PSA Records: Invoiced Billing Events Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resource Filter Filter a list of resources based on search criteria. Resource Request Lightning Page All record pages Resource Filter Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resource Optimizer Optimize the allocation of resources to resource requests. Resource Optimizer App pages Resource Optimizer Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resource Optimizer Panel View resource details on the Resource Optimizer page. Resource Optimizer App pages Resource Optimizer Panel Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resource Schedule Manage resource requests and assignments for all resources. Resource Request Lightning Page Resource Request record pages Resource Schedule Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resource Self-Nomination View and express interest in upcoming work. None

App pages

Home pages

Salesforce My Profile page

PSA Resource Work Planner View and edit your assignments and resource requests. None

App pages

Home pages

Work Planner Lightning Component Properties
PSA Resourcing Select resources in a list and perform actions. Resource Request Lightning Page Resource Request record pages Resourcing Lightning Component Properties
PSA Summaries: Billing Events Awaiting Release The summary cards on the Billing Events Awaiting Release tab. Billing Events Awaiting Release App pages PSA Summaries: Billing Events Awaiting Release Lightning Component Properties
PSA Time Entry Submit timecards against assignments, milestones, and tasks associated with projects.

Assignment Lightning Page

Milestone Lightning Page

Project Task Lightning Page

Project Lightning Page

App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

Record pages

Utility bars

Time Entry Lightning Component Properties
PSA Timer Record timer sessions against assignments, and sync these sessions to timecards. None

App pages

Experience Cloud sites

Home pages

Record pages

Utility bars

Timer Lightning Component Properties
PSA View RPG Hierarchy View the Region, Practice, and Group hierarchy.

Group Lightning Page

Practice Lightning Page

Region Lightning Page

Group record pages

Practice record pages

Region record pages