Mobile Expenses: Submitting Expenses

After you have created and saved an expense record that is not linked to an expense report, you can submit it.

To submit an expense:

  1. On the navigation menu, tap Expenses.
  2. Tap a list view.
  3. Tap Ready to Submit. The expenses on this page are ordered by project, with the projects sorted alphabetically by name and listed in bold type. If an assignment was selected on an expense, the assignment is listed alphabetically under the related project. Expenses are then sorted by date, with the most recent at the top.
  4. Tap each expense you want to submit. The checkbox beside each expense is selected.
  5. [Optional] To select all expenses with the same project or assignment as the currently selected expense, tap on the expense and tap Select All with Same Project or Select All with Same Assignment.
  6. Tap Submit.

Expenses are grouped on expense reports by assignment, or by project when no assignment is selected on an expense. The expenses are then submitted in groups on separate auto-generated expense reports.


If the Allow_Mixed_Billable_Non_Billable_Expense_Reports configuration option in the Expense configuration groupClosed A collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a FinancialForce PSA object or feature. is set to false, billable and non-billable expenses for the same project or assignment are split on to separate expense reports. For more information, see Allow_Mixed_Billable_Non_Billable_Expense_Reports.

Managing Errors

If you try to submit several expenses at once and any of them fail to submit because an expense report could not be created, none of the expenses are submitted.

If errors occur at project or assignment level, for example because a project or assignment is closed for expense entry:

  • All the expenses belonging to that project or assignment are highlighted by a red box around each expense entry.
  • A message is displayed to help you identify the reason for the error.

You can then deselect the expenses relating to that project or assignment and resubmit the rest before investigating why the project or assignment is closed for expense entry.

If errors occur at expense level, for example because an expected attachment is missing:

  • The first expense entry causing an error is highlighted by a red box around the entry.
  • A message is displayed to help you identify the reason for the error.

If the handleExpenseReportUpdate option in the ASM Triggers configuration group is set to false, expense entries might not be highlighted. For more information, see Trigger Settings.

To fix an error:

  1. Tap on the expense when viewing the list of expenses that are ready to submit.
  2. Tap Edit.
  3. Resolve the error on the expense.
  4. Tap Save.
  5. Tap a list view and tap Ready to Submit to return to your list of expenses.

You can then try to resubmit the expenses and fix any subsequent errors in turn.

A Image of paperclip icon is displayed on an expense when it has an attached image. You can currently attach one image via Mobile Expenses in the Salesforce mobile app, however, if more than one image has been attached via the desktop version of PSA, the value displayed beside the paperclip icon indicates the number of images attached.