Salesforce Object Permissions Required for Permission Checks

Permissions to access Salesforce objects are not included in permission set groups by FinancialForce. This means you must create a permission set that grants access to the necessary Salesforce objects.

The table below contains a list of the permission set groups delivered with PSA and indicates where a user assigned the relevant permission set group also requires a permission set with standard Salesforce object access. This ensures the user can view data displayed on PSA objects that is derived from the related Salesforce object.

Permission Set Group Name


FF Group - PSA - Line Manager

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Approve Expense Reports
  • Approve Timecards
  • Edit Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Calculate Missing Timecards
  • Calculate Time Variance
  • Clone Expense Reports and Combine Attachments
  • Manage Skill and Certification Ratings
  • View PSA Online Help

FF Group - PSA - Ops Team Member

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Close Time Period for Forecasting
  • Configure Forecast Setup
  • Configure Recognition Methods for Forecasting
  • Create Projects
  • Delete Forecasts
  • Generate Billing Events
  • Invoice Billing Events
  • Manage Vendor Invoices
  • Recalculate Billing Data
  • Release Billing Events
  • Revert Billing Data
  • Run Forecast
  • View All Forecasts
  • View Cost and Revenue Summary for Opportunity
  • View Cost and Revenue Summary for Project
  • View PSA Online Help
FF Group - PSA - Project Manager

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Adjust Forecast Version
  • Approve Expense Reports
  • Approve Timecards
  • Close Assignments
  • Enter Expenses Against Projects and Assignments
  • Enter Time Against Milestones
  • Calculate Missing Timecards
  • Calculate Time Variance
  • Clone Expense Reports and Combine Attachments
  • Configure Recognition Methods for Forecasting
  • Create Projects
  • Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments
  • Enter Time Against Tasks
  • Generate Billing Events
  • Invoice Billing Events
  • Recalculate Billing Data
  • Manage Gantt and Project Tasks
  • Manage Projects
  • Manage Project Assignments
  • Manage Resource Requests for an Opportunity
  • Manage Resource Requests for Project
  • Manage Resourcing for Project Tasks
  • Recalculate Schedules
  • Release Billing Events
  • Revert Billing Data
  • Run Forecast
  • Use Project Planner
  • View Cost and Revenue Summary for Project
  • View Forecast
  • View PSA Online Help
  • View Unfilled Resource Requests for a Project
FF Group - PSA - Resource

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Enter Time Against Milestones
  • Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments
  • Enter Time Against Tasks
  • Edit Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Manage Your Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Self-Nominate for Work Opportunities
  • Manage Project Assignments
  • Manage Project Tasks
  • Self Assign to a Project
  • View PSA Online Help
FF Group - PSA - Resource Manager

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Close Assignments
  • Edit Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Manage Your Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Manage Skill and Certification Ratings
  • Manage Self-Nominations on Work Opportunities
  • Manage Teams
  • Match and Assign Resources with Optimizer
  • Recalculate Schedules
  • Staff Resource Requests
  • Swap Resources
  • Use Resource Planner
  • Use Team Schedule Planner
  • View Project Team Schedule

  • View PSA Online Help

  • View Skills Capacity
  • View Unfilled Resource Requests for a Project
FF Group - PSA - Services Leader

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Adjust Forecast Version
  • Calculate Utilization
  • Configure Recognition Methods for Forecasting
  • Lock Forecast Version
  • Run Forecast
  • View All Forecasts
  • View PSA Online Help
FF Group - PSA - System Administrator

Includes the following PSA permission sets:

  • Close Time Period for Forecasting
  • Configure Forecast Setup
  • Delete Forecasts
  • IHC - Configure Mappings
  • Manage Configuration
  • Manage Expense Limits and Rates
  • Manage Resources and Skills
  • Recalculate Actuals
  • Recalculate Project Actuals
  • Recalculate Resource Actuals

For each permission set, the table lists any additional access or permissions required.

Note: For functional permissions to work correctly, you must ensure permission and security access is correctly configured. All Salesforce standard objects requiring CRUD (Read, Create, Update, and Delete) access, and all fields requiring field-level security access needed on each permission set are listed in “Standard Objects and Field Permissions” in Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.
Actuals: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Salesforce Object Permissions Required

Fields Requiring Read FLS Access

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Recalculate Actuals Resource Actuals None Assign Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions on the Resource Actuals custom object.
PSA - Recalculate Resource Actuals Resource Actuals None Assign Read permission on the Resource Actuals custom object.
Billing Management: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Generate Billing Events Set up a permission control with Billing permissions selected.
PSA - Invoice Billing Events Set up a permission control with Expense Entry, Expense Ops Edit, and Invoicing permissions selected.
PSA - Revert Billing Data Set up a permission control with Billing permissions selected.
PSA - Release Billing Events Set up a permission control with Billing permissions selected.
Expense Reports: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Approve Expense Reports Set up a permission control with Expense Entry and Expense Ops Edit selected for users who need to approve or reject reports.
Project Management: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Salesforce Object Permissions Required

Fields Requiring Read FLS Access

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Create Projects     Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks     Set up a permission control with edit and view Project Task Gantt permissions selected.
PSA - Manage Projects     Set up a permission control with the create, delete, and compare Project Version permissions selected.
PSA - Manage Project Tasks     Set up a permission control with view Project Task Gantt permission selected.
PSA - Manage Resource Requests for an Opportunity Skill and Certification Ratings

Skill and Certification


  1. Assign Read permission on the Skill and Certification Ratings Salesforce object.
  2. Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
  3. Assign Skill Set field Read / Write permission on Resource Skill Request.
  4. Assign Expiration Date field Read / Write permission on Skill Certification Rating.
  5. Assign Desirable field Read / Write permission on Skill Set Skill.
  6. Assign Rating field Read / Write permission on Skill Set Skill.
PSA - Manage Resource Requests for Project Skill and Certification Ratings

Skill and Certification


  1. Assign Read permission on the Skill and Certification Ratings Salesforce object.
  2. Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
  3. Assign Skill Set field Read / Write permission on Resource Skill Request.
  4. Assign Expiration date field Read / Write permission on Skill Certification Rating.
  5. Assign Desirable field Read / Write permission on Skill Set Skill.
  6. Assign Rating field Read / Write permission on Skill Set Skill.
PSA - Manage Resourcing for Project Tasks     Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
Skills Management: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Edit Skill and Certification Ratings

Set up a permission control with Skills And Certifications Entry and Skills And Certifications View permissions selected.

PSA - Manage Skill and Certification Ratings
  1. Assign Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions on the Skill/Certification Rating custom object.
  2. Give users Edit permission for the Resource and Skill/Certification fields on the Skill/Certification Rating object.
  3. Set up a permission control with Skills And Certifications View or Skills And Certifications Entry selected.
PSA - Manage Your Skill and Certification Ratings
  1. Assign Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions on the Skill/Certification Rating custom object.
  2. Give users Edit permission for the Resource and Skill/Certification fields on the Skill/Certification Rating object.
  3. If a user needs to view or update other users' records, you must set up a permission control with Skills And Certifications View or Skills And Certifications Entry selected, as required.
PSA - View Skills Capacity Assign Read permission on the Skill/Certification Rating custom object.
Resource Management: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Salesforce Object Permissions Required

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Close Assignments   Set up a permission control with Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Manage Project Assignments Skill Certification Rating
  1. Assign Read permission on the Skill Certification Rating Salesforce custom objects.
  2. Set up a permission control with Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Manage Teams   Set up a permission control with the view, create, and edit Team permissions selected.
PSA - Match and Assign Resources with Optimizer  
  1. Assign Read permission on the Skill and Certification Rating object.
  2. Set up a permission control with the Staffing permission selected.
  3. Access to ResourceSkillRequestController apex class.
  4. Assign Desirable field Read permission on Resource Skill Request.
PSA - Staff Resource Requests Skill Certification Rating
  1. Assign Read permission on the Skill Certification Rating Salesforce custom objects.
  2. Set up a permission control with Staffing permissions selected.
  3. Access to EditResourceSkillRequestController apex class.
  4. Assign Desirable and Skill Set field Read / Write permission on Resource Skill Request.
  5. Assign Expiration date and Rating field Read / Write permission on Skill Certification Rating.
  6. Assign Desirable and Rating field Read / Write permission on Skill Set Skill.
  7. Allow create, Allow edit and Allow delete permission for object Resource_Skill_Request__c
PSA - Swap Resources   Set up a permission control with Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Use Project Planner   Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Use Resource Planner   Set up a permission control with Resource Request Entry and Staffing permissions selected.
PSA - Use Team Schedule Planner   Set up a permission control with the view, create, and edit Team permissions selected.
Time Entry: Permission sets requiring additional permissions

Permission Set Name

Mandatory Permission Assignments

PSA - Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments Set up a permission control with Timecard Entry selected for users who need to log time on behalf of a different resource.
PSA - Enter Time Against Milestones Assign the PSA - Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments permission set to users.
PSA - Enter Time Against Tasks Assign the PSA - Enter Time Against Projects and Assignments permission set to users.
PSA - Approve Timecards Set up a permission control with Timecard Entry and Timecard Ops Edit selected for users who need to approve or reject timecards.

You can use PSA functional permissions with Experience Cloud Site Cloud sites (PSA Communities) users. For example, use time entry or vendor invoice permission sets and permission set groups with Experience Cloud Site Cloud sites (PSA Communities) users, provided those users are configured to use the functionalities. For information on using PSA Experience Cloud sites, see "Getting Started with PSA Lightning Experience Cloud Sites", available from the FinancialForce Community.

For more information on permission sets, permission set groups, and access granted by functional permissions, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.