PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard

This dashboard enables you to:

  • Embed analytics to display forecasted revenue broken down by actual, scheduled and unscheduled revenue.
  • View comparisons of your live forecast against a saved version, or comparisons of two saved versions.
  • Filter forecast versions by Expected, Best and Worst Case scenarios.
  • View the value of adjustments made to projects, opportunities and milestones, or aggregated adjustments at RPG level.

PSA Revenue Forecast Dashboard Guide

The PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard contains the following pages and elements.

Revenue Forecast Dashboard Elements Page One

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1 Forecast Version You can select either a saved Forecast Version or the Live Forecast Version. Live is your most recent calculated forecast and can be used to display current actuals. Forecast Name   Revenue Forecast


See Revenue Forecast Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields for more information.

2 Revenue (Expected) Displays Total Revenue for your selected Forecast Version and Case. (Actual + Forecast) Actual Value + Forecast Value
Revenue (Best Case) Actual Value + Forecast Best Case Value
Revenue (Worst Case) Actual Value + Forecast Worst Case Value
3 Actual Displays Actual Revenue for your selected Forecast Version. (Revenue Pending Recognition Value + Revenue Recognized To Date Value) Revenue Pending Recognition Value = Equal Split Milestone Pending Value + Equal Split Project Pending Value + Expense Pending Value + Milestone Pending Value + Misc Adjustment Pending Value + Percent Complete Milestone Pending Value + Percent Complete Project Pending Value + Timecard Pending Value

Revenue Recognized To Date Value = Equal Split Milestone Recognized Value +

Equal Split Project Recognized Value +

Expense Recognized Value +

Milestone Recognized Value +

Misc Adjustment Recognized Value +

Percent Complete Milestone Recognized Value +

Percent Complete Project Recognized Value +

Timecard Recognized Value


4 Forecast Displays forecasted revenue for your selected Forecast Version and Case. (Scheduled Revenue Value + Unscheduled Revenue Value)

_Scheduled Revenue Value = Equal Split Milestone Scheduled Value + Equal Split Project Scheduled Value + EvA Scheduled Value + Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Scheduled Value


Unscheduled Revenue Value = Opportunity Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Unscheduled Value

Forecast (Best Case) Displays forecasted revenue for your selected Forecast Version and Case. (Scheduled Revenue Value + Unscheduled Revenue Value)

_Scheduled Revenue Value = Equal Split Milestone Scheduled Value + Equal Split Project Scheduled Value + EvA Scheduled Value + Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Scheduled Value

Unscheduled Revenue Value = Opportunity Unscheduled Best Case Value + Percent Complete Milestone Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Unscheduled Value

Forecast (Worst Case) Displays forecasted revenue for your selected Forecast Version and Case. (Scheduled Revenue Value + Unscheduled Revenue Value)

_Scheduled Revenue Value = Equal Split Milestone Scheduled Value + Equal Split Project Scheduled Value + EvA Scheduled Value + Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Scheduled Value

Unscheduled Revenue Value = Opportunity Unscheduled Worst Case Value + Percent Complete Milestone Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Unscheduled Value

5 Actual (Legend) Displays Actual Revenue for the displayed month. As above, see (3)  
6 Scheduled (Legend) Displays Scheduled Revenue for the displayed month. Scheduled Revenue Value Scheduled Revenue Value = Equal Split Milestone Scheduled Value + Equal Split Project Scheduled Value + EvA Scheduled Value + Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Scheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Scheduled Value
7 Unscheduled (Legend) Displays Unscheduled Revenue for the displayed month. Unscheduled Revenue Value Unscheduled Revenue Value = Opportunity Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Milestone Unscheduled Value + Percent Complete Project Unscheduled Value
8 Forecast Version Select either a saved Forecast Version or the Live Forecast Version, which is your most recent calculated forecast. Live can be used for current actuals. Forecast Name  
9 Forecast Version to Compare Select a baseline forecast for comparison. Forecast Name  
10 Variance Calculates the difference between the overlapping periods of the two selected forecasts. (Forecast Version - Forecast Version to Compare)  
11 Variance Increase/Decrease calculates the difference as a percentage, and then labels if there has been an increase or decrease. (Forecast Version - Forecast Version to Compare)/Forecast Version to Compare  
12 Forecast Version line Displays only the periods of the Forecast Version that match periods in the Forecast Version to Compare, in a periodic view.    
13 Forecast Version to Compare line Displays only the periods of the Forecast Version that match periods in the Forecast Version to Compare, in a periodic view.    
14 View Details Displays the second page of the Revenue Forecast dashboard, Revenue Forecast Detail.      

Revenue Forecast Dashboard Elements Page Two

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

15 Forecast Variance (Revenue and Percent Variance) Shows the difference between the revenue on your current Forecast and the revenue on your Forecast Version to Compare as a percentage of Forecast Version to Compare. (Forecast Version - Forecast Version to Compare) / Forecast Version to Compare Revenue = Total Value (if using expected) or Total Best Case Value or Total Worst Case Value (Uses the ‘Excl Adjustments’ versions of these measures if adjustments have been excluded on the global filter panel). Revenue Forecast


See Revenue Forecast Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields for more information.

16 View As Switches the view between periodic and cumulative view.    
17 Revenue Variance bar chart The variance between Forecast Version and Forecast Version to Compare broken down by Region/Practice/Group or Project Manager/Project.   Revenue = Total Value (if using expected) or Total Best Case Value or Total Worst Case Value
18 Revenue Variance bar chart Variance between Forecast Version and Forecast Version to Compare broken down by Project/Account MilestoneOpportunity.   Revenue = Total Value (if using expected) or Total Best Case Value or Total Worst Case Value
19 Revenue Variance Shows the difference between current Forecast Version and Forecast Version to Compare in currency. Forecast Version - Comparison Revenue = Total Value (if using expected) or Total Best Case Value or Total Worst Case Value
20 % Variance Shows the difference between current Forecast Version and Forecast Version to Compare as a percentage of Forecast Version to Compare. Revenue Variance / Comparison Revenue = Total Value (if using expected) or Total Best Case Value or Total Worst Case Value

The filters panel can be used to tailor the data displayed in the dashboard.

The filter panel elements



Dataset Field

Monthly Displays data by month.

Time Period End Date

switches group: by month

Quarterly Displays data in 90 day segments.

Time Period End Date

switches group: by quarter

Period From Displays data from a specified date. Display: Time Period Name Field used to filter data: Time Period Start Date
Period To Displays data up to a specified date. Display: Time Period Name Field used to filter data: Time Period End Date
Region Level Displays available levels for regions . Region Level 01, Region Level 02,Region Level 03
Region Displays regions at the level selected in Region Level. Uses field selected in Region Level, shows all values available
Practice Level Displays available levels for practices Practice Level 01, Practice Level 02, Practice Level 03
Practice Displays practices at the level selected in Practice Level. Uses field selected in Practice Level, shows all values available
Group Level Displays available levels for groups. Group Level 01, Group Level 02,Group Level 03
Group Displays practices at the level selected in Practice Level. Uses field selected in Group Level, shows all values available
Project Displays data for a specified project. Project Name
Account Name Displays the data for a specified account name. Account Name
Project Manager Name Displays the data for a specified project manager name. Project Manager Name
Opportunity Displays the data for a specified opportunity. Opportunity Name
Adjustments Displays the data with or without adjustments.

Exclude Adjustments: Total Best Case Value (excl Adjustments) OR Forecast Best Case Value (excl Adjustments) OR Forecast Worst Case Value (excl Adjustments) OR Total Worst Case Value (excl Adjustments) OR Forecast Value (excl Adjustments)

Adjustments Only: Adjustment Best Case Value Adjustment Worst Case Value Adjustment Value

This dashboard is designed to complement the enhanced Revenue Forecasting Workspace functionality available in PSA. For more information on this functionality, see the PSA Help.

The dashboard is available in the following apps:

  • PS Cloud Analytics: PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard
  • PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards: Revenue Forecast (Embedded) dashboard


This dashboard displays data from the Revenue Forecast dataset and requires access to the following objects in PSA:

  • Revenue Forecast Version
  • Revenue Forecast Version Detail
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Revenue Forecast Type

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Before running the configuration wizard to create the Revenue Forecast dataset, you must carry out the following steps in the Revenue Forecasting Workspace:

  • Create Revenue Forecast Version
  • Recalculate Revenue Forecast

For more information on how to perform these tasks, see Revenue Forecasting Overview.

The following fields are used to represent different forms of revenue totals in the dashboard:

  • Actual Best Case Value
  • Actual Worst Case Value
  • Adjustment Best Case Value
  • Adjustment Value
  • Adjustment Worst Case Value
  • Forecast Best Case Value
  • Forecast Best Case Value (excl Adj)
  • Forecast Value
  • Forecast Value (excl Adj)
  • Forecast Worst Case Value
  • Forecast Worst Case Value (excl Adj)
  • Scheduled Revenue Value
  • Total Value (excl Adj)
  • Total Best Case Value (excl Adj)
  • Total Value
  • Total Worst Case Value
  • Total Worst Case Value (excl Adj)
  • Unscheduled Revenue Best Case Value
  • Unscheduled Revenue Value
  • Unscheduled Revenue Worst Case Value

For details of how these fields are calculated, see Revenue Forecast Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields.


The time displayed for updated forecast data in the dashboard is shown in the current dashboard user's time zone.

Suggested Use Cases

Explore and visualize the data displayed in this dashboard to answer critical business questions such as:

  • How much revenue have we generated to date?
  • How much revenue do we expect to generate going forward?
  • How much forecast revenue is not linked to scheduled work?
  • How accurate has our forecast been compared to our actuals?

Embedding the Dashboard

This dashboard is optimized to be embedded in the page layout for your Revenue Forecasting workspace in Lightning Experience.

For more information on how to embed the Revenue Forecast (Embedded) Dashboard, see Embedding PS Cloud Analytics Dashboards in a Lightning Page.


We recommend you do not save views of this dashboard in Analytics Studio or the page you have embedded it in. Picker selections and dashboard elements in saved views of this dashboard might not load as expected. This is due to a Salesforce restriction.

Note: This Revenue Forecast Dashboard is also available as Revenue Forecast Summary Dashboard in the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app in Analytics Studio. For more information, see PSA Revenue Forecast Summary Dashboard.