PSA Utilization Analytics Dashboard

This dashboard enables you to:

  • Compare the scheduled or actual hours logged with the calendar hours.

PSA Utilization Analytics Dashboard Guide

The PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard contains the following pages, charts, tables, local filters and components:

Utilization Analytics (Embedded) Dashboard Elements

Element Number




Referenced Calculation

Source Dataset

1 Projected Utilization Combines actual and scheduled for the displayed date range. (Actual Utilization + Scheduled Utilization) Values of Actual and Scheduled depend on selection of either Billable/Productive/Total Productive Utilization Results
2 Target comparator Variance to target for displayed date range.      
3 Actual Utilization Calculates utilization on only actuals data for the displayed date range. Billable Hours Billable Timecard Hours / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Timecard Hours)  
Productive Hours Credited Timecard Hours / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Timecard Hours)  
Total productive hours Billable Timecard Hours + Credited Timecard Hours) / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Timecard Hours)  
4 Scheduled Utilization Calculates utilization on only scheduled data for the displayed date range. Billable Hours Billable Assignment Hours / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Assignment Hours)
Productive Hours Credited Assignment Hours / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Assignment Hours)  
Total Productive Hours (Billable Assignment Hours + Credited Assignment Hours) / (Calendar Hours - Time Excluded Assignment Hours)  
5 Remaining Capacity Calculates the remaining capacity % for the future dates of the displayed date range based on your selection of hours in element 10 (hours picker). Assigned Hours (sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non-Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours)
Assigned + Held Hours sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non-Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours)+(sum(Held Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours))/ sum(Calendar Hours)  
Assigned + Held + Unheld sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non-Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours)+(sum(Held Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours)+(sum(Unheld Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Unheld RR Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours)  
6 Assigned Calculates the capacity based on Assigned hours only. sum(Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Credited Assignment Hours) + sum(Non-Billable Assignment Hours) + sum(Time Excluded Assignment Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours)  
7 Held Requests Calculates the capacity based on Held hours only. (sum(Held Resource Request Hours) + sum(Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours)) / sum(Calendar Hours)  
8 Picker for Billable, Productive, Total Productive Changes basis of calculations in elements 1,2,3,4 and 11 and 12. See notes for elements 1,2,3,4 and 11 and 12  
9 Picker for Week Ending, Month, Region, Practice, Group, Role Changes utilization visualisation to be either a trend or a dimensional comparison.    
10 Picker for Assigned, Assigned + Held,Assigned + Held + Unheld Changes basis of calculations in elements 5,6,7,8 and 13. See notes for elements 5,6,7,8 and 13    
11 Unheld Requests Calculates the capacity based on Unheld hours only.      
12 Picker for Week Ending, Month, Region, Practice, Changes capacity visualisation to be either a trend or a dimensional.      
The filter panel elements



Dataset Field

Monthly Displays data by month.  
Quarterly Displays data in 90 day segments.  
Period From Displays data from a specified date.  
Period To Displays data up to a specified date.  
Region Level    
Region Displays data by region.  
Practice Level    
Practice Displays data by practice.  
Group Level    
Group Displays data by group.  
Project Displays data for a specified project.  
Account Name Displays the data for a specified account name.  
Project Manager Name Displays the data for a specified project manager name.  
Opportunity Displays the data for a specified opportunity.  
Adjustments Displays the data with or without adjustments.  

The PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard displays data from the Utilization Results dataset. By default, this dashboard displays data for all time periods. This dashboard is designed to be embedded in the PSA Resource Manager Workspace. For more information, see Embedding PS Cloud Analytics Dashboards in a Lightning Page.

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

The dashboard is available in the following apps:

  • PS Cloud Analytics: PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard
  • PSA Analytics Embedded Dashboards: Utilization Analytics (Embedded) dashboard

Comparing Utilization Details with Utilization Results

Depending on the setup of your PSA data environment and your reporting preferences, you can use either Utilization Details or Utilization Results to create the utilization data viewed in PS Cloud Analytics.

Lenses and reports created using either of these methods might display variations in data. This is due to the different configuration and calculation options available for Utilization Details and Utilization Results.

To learn how to validate the data displayed using Utilization Results against data derived from Utilization Details, see Matching Utilization Calculations.


This dashboard only displays data for actual hours logged up to close of play of the previous week. Hours after this cutoff are categorized as scheduled hours, regardless of how frequently you run your Utilization Results calculation or PS Cloud Analytics dataflow.

For example, if you ran your Utilization Results calculation and Dataflow on a Wednesday, regardless of whether timecards had been submitted between the end of Saturday last week and today, your actual hours would be calculated on the timecards whose dates ended before last Saturday. Late timecards for business last week would be included but timecards for business conducted during the partial week would not be included.


The following table contains details of the main utilization calculations contained in this dashboard. These calculations can be configured and renamed according to your reporting requirements. For more information see Setting up the PSA Utilization Analytics Dashboard.



Productive Utilization

Total utilization. This is calculated using the following formula:

(Billable Timecard Hours + Billable Assigned Hours + Credited Timecard Hours + Credited Assigned Hours) /

(Total Work Hours - Excluded Timecard Hours - Excluded Assigned Hours)

Actual Utilization

(Billable Actual Timecard Hours + Credited Actual Timecard Hours) /

(Actual Calendar Hours - Excluded Actual Timecard Hours)

Scheduled Utilization

(Scheduled Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours) /

(Scheduled Calendar Hours - Scheduled Excluded Hours)

View by Week Starting

You can change the View by Week Ending selector to display data by Week Starting. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In the PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard, click Edit.
  2. Double-click the View by Week Ending selector and click Continue.
  3. In the New Custom Query modal, select Week Ending in the Text display column, and change the text to your preferred label, for example, Week Starting.
  4. In the Text dimension column, change TimePeriodWeekEndDate to TimePeriodWeekStartDate.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click Preview | Save.
  7. [Optional] Enter a new name, description, or version history.
  8. [Optional] Select a new app to save your amended dashboard to.
  9. To show the amended label, choose another option from the View by selector and then reselect your amended label.

For more information about dashboard functionality, see Using the Dashboards Charts.