Calculation Rules

You can use Calculation Rules in FinancialForce Planning to change financial values or generate additional values based on the rules set. You can use multiplication or subtraction, apply a formula, or apply a pattern rule to specific values. Calculation Rules are run automatically. For example, you can apply a 10% of the General Expenses rule based on the revenue.


The calculation rules depend on the minimum and maximum amounts specified in the Minimum and Maximum fields. If no amount is entered in these fields, then the amount that exists for the budget in the expense line is automatically set to zero. You must check these fields to ensure that the calculation rules are correctly applied in the expense line and properly displayed.

In case you create a revenue line either manually, or from the previous year actuals of 1.000, the FinancialForce Planning application automatically creates a general expense line of 100, based on the 10% rule.