Creating Budget Periods

Budget Periods are special types of tags that cover time periods. Depending on your requirement, you can choose the period for the budget.

Periods are created automatically during the initial setup of the organization. Depending on the requirement, you can also add at any time. Only an administrator can add periods.

To create a period, perform the following:

  1. From the Planning Setup tab, navigate to Setup | Budget Period or Instance Settings | Periods Setup.
  2. Specify the budget period in the Number of Periods field. The number of periods is usually 12 if you plan a budget period in months. We recommend that you create a budget period for 12 months.
  3. Select the start year and start month for the period.
  4. Click Create to save the period record.

The tables on the right show a summary of the fiscal years and months already created. After creating a new period, ensure that information is added correctly.


If you have entered incorrect information and the periods are created with errors. We recommend that you do not delete or rename periods and contact FinancialForce Customer Support.