Revenue Forecast Transaction Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a revenue forecast transaction and its associated line items.

Revenue Forecast Transaction

Field Description
Revenue Forecast Transaction Automatically generated number, such as RF-0012.

Key: R – Read-only; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Category     Best, Worst or Expected.
Description   255 Description of this transaction, such as January 2015 Forecast.
Error   255 Stores any error text generated by the batch generation process.
Locked     Indicates whether or not the transaction is locked. You cannot edit a locked transaction. You cannot delete a locked transaction unless its primary source record has been deleted.
Recognition Year R   Lookup to the related recognition year.
Status R   Status of this record: Draft, Saved or Error.
Total Forecast R   Roll-up summary of all revenue forecast transaction lines.
Total Revenue R   Total revenue of the primary source record.
Unallocated Revenue R   Total unallocated revenue of the primary source record.
Uniqueness R   Formula used to maintain uniqueness.
Version R   Stores the unique revision number. Incremented by one each time a new forecast record with the same primary source record and year is created.

Primary Record Details

Field     Description
Currency R 255 Currency of the primary source record.
Display Information R 255 Further information about the primary source record. Often this will be the account name, but it can be any useful information.
End Date R   Final date of the period on the primary source record.
Primary Object Record Name R 255 Name of the primary object.
Revenue Contract     Lookup to the related revenue contract (if applicable).
Settings R   Lookup to the related settings record. It must be compatible in terms of type and level with the related source record.
Start Date R   First date of the period (from the primary source record).

Revenue Forecast Transaction Lines

These are the fields installed by the FinancialForce Revenue Management managed package. Some custom lookup fields are added to this object during on-boarding. Once created, do not edit these lookup fields.

Field Description
Revenue Forecast Transaction Line Automatically generated number, such as RFL-0012.

Key: R – Read-only;
V - You must enter forecast data either as a set of values or as a set of percentages. If you specify both, they must match. They cannot be edited at the same time.

Field   Description
Comments   A free text field where you can add comments about the specific forecast line.
Level 2 Object Record Name R Name of the Level 2 object.
Level 3 Object Record Name R Name of the Level 3 object.
Level 4 Object Record Name R Name of the Level 4 object.
Percentage V Value as a percentage, either as entered or calculated.
Performance Obligation   Lookup to the related performance obligation (if applicable).
Period R Lookup to the related recognition period. Must be unique for this transaction and be within the related recognition year.
Primary Object Record Name R Name of the primary object.
Revenue Contract   Lookup to the related revenue contract (if applicable).
Revenue Forecast Transaction R Master-Detail link to the related revenue forecast transaction.
Template R Lookup to the related forecast template.
Total Revenue R Total revenue of the primary source record.
Uniqueness R Formula used to maintain uniqueness.
Value V Stores the value of this line, either as entered or calculated.

Lightning Actions

Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.

Lightning Action   Description
Lock/Unlock L If your permissions allow, use this Lightning action to lock or unlock the revenue forecast transaction.


Button Description
Lock/Unlock If your permissions allow, use this button to lock or unlock the revenue forecast transaction.