Transfer Previously Recognized Fields

To run the transfer process you must have permission to see the Transfer Previously Recognized page, and you must have read/write access to all the source records and performance obligations involved in the transfer. It is important your org is set up correctly before you start the transfer process. Read Transferring Committed Revenue to Performance Obligations before you begin.

Field Description
Description A description that is used on the resulting revenue recognition transactions.
Recognition Date The date that is used as the recognition date on the resulting revenue recognition transactions.
Recognition Period The period that is used as the recognition period on the resulting revenue recognition transactions. Defaults to the period of the recognition date.
Cutoff Date The cutoff date that is used by the transfer process. Only values from committed transactions with recognized dates on or before this date are transferred to the corresponding performance obligations. Values from committed transactions with recognized dates after this date are not transferred.
Legislation Type The legislation type that your revenue recognition process conformed to prior to switching to using multiple-element arrangements. For reporting purposes, this is recorded on the resulting revenue recognition transactions.
Revenue Contract Filter A field to filter on if you want to run the transfer process for specific revenue contracts only. The revenue contract fields available are text and boolean fields, and lookup fields that you have write access to. Leave this blank to run the transfer process for all revenue contracts.
Filter On

The field and value you want to filter on to process specific revenue contracts only.

If filtering on a lookup field, select the value you want to filter on.

If filtering on a text field, enter the exact value you want to filter on. Wildcards are not supported. If you leave the value blank, it is treated as searching for revenue contracts where the chosen field is blank.

If filtering on a boolean field, select the checkbox to filter for revenue contracts where the boolean is True, or deselect the checkbox to filter for revenue contracts where the boolean is False.


Button Description
Transfer Starts the transfer process. If a transfer process is already running, this button is disabled and a message is displayed showing the status of the current process. You must wait for the current process to finish before starting another one. The page refreshes automatically while a job is running so you do not need to refresh it manually.
Cancel Returns to the previous page without running the transfer process.