Revenue Recognition Transaction Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a revenue recognition transaction and its associated summary and line items. In most circumstances only the Description and Legislation Type fields are editable.

Revenue Recognition Transaction

Field Description
Transaction Number Automatically generated number, such as RT-0012.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Cost Journal     If a journal was created for this transaction using the RRT to Journal Integration for Cost or the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the journal.
Cost Journal Creation Error     Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal in the Cost Journal field.
Cost Journal Creation State     Indicates whether the journal in the Cost Journal field was created successfully.
Cost Journal Date     Date of the journal in the Cost Journal field.
Cost Journal Status     Status of the journal in the Cost Journal field.
Description * 255 Description of this transaction, such as January 2013 Revenue.
Document Currency R   Currency of this transaction.
Error R   Stores any error text generated when performing an action on the individual transaction, such as Save.
Error Log     Lookup to a log storing errors that occurred during a process that may involve multiple transactions.
Grouped By     The value that the source records were grouped by. Blank if grouping was not applied.
Journal     If a journal was created for this transaction using the RRT to Journal Integration or the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the journal.
Journal Creation Error     Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal in the Journal field.
Journal Creation State     Indicates whether the journal in the Journal field was created successfully.
Journal Date     Date of the journal in the Journal field.
Journal Status     Status of the journal in the Journal field.
Legislation Type     Optional picklist value identifying which legislation the transaction relates to. The default values available are ASC 605, ASC 606, and blank. Other values may be available if your administrator has renamed or added values to better suit your business needs.
Originating Process     Indicates how this transaction was created. If it was created by the Transfer Previously Recognized process, this value is set to Transfer Previously Recognized.
Period R   Period in which this transaction was recognized. This field is editable if the Disable Period Validation field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting is selected (ON).
Recognition Period R   Lookup to the related recognition period. This field is editable if the Disable Period Validation field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting is selected (ON).
Recognized Date R   Date this transaction was recognized.
Status R  

Status of this transaction, such as "In Progress", "Generating", "Committed", "Discarded", "Error" or "Replaced".

A revenue recognition transaction's status changes from "In Progress" to "Replaced" if a subsequent transaction for the same source record replaces all the lines on the original transaction leaving only the transaction header.

Summarized By R   Comma separated list of the fields that revenue recognition transaction lines are grouped by for summarization. Each field's API name and field label are shown. Transaction lines are always grouped by Account and Account Type, then by the fields in the Summarization Fields field set.
Total Balance Sheet/Total Balance Sheet (Amortized) R   Roll-up summary of relevant recognized revenue or amortized cost line item values.
Total Income Statement/Total Income Statement (Amortized) R   Roll-up summary of relevant recognized revenue or amortized cost line item values.

Revenue Transaction Summary

Field Description
Transaction Summary Number A system-generated number, such as RTS-0012.

Key: All the fields listed here are read-only at this level.

Field Description
Amount Amortized Calculated cost amount amortized for this period. If you are using the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this is the cost value that is passed to the Accounting journal.
Amount Amortized (Dual) The Amount Amortized in dual currency. This value is calculated if Dual Currency is populated on the revenue transaction summary.
Amount Amortized (Home) The Amount Amortized in home currency. This value is calculated if Home Currency is populated on the revenue transaction summary.
Amount Recognized Calculated revenue amount recognized for this period.
Cost Journal Line If a cost journal was created for this transaction using the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the resulting journal line item.
Cost Journal Line Creation Error Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal line in the revenue transaction summary's Cost Journal Line field.
Cost Journal Line Creation State Indicates whether the journal line in the revenue transaction summary's Cost Journal Line field was created successfully.
Dual Currency The dual currency of the transaction lines that are included in this summary. This field is only populated if all the transaction lines in the summary share the same value, and Dual Currency is included in the Summarization Fields field set. For more information, see Specifying Summarization Criteria.
General Ledger Account (GLA) The general ledger account on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.
GLA Type Two lines are created per selected record: one for the income statement account and another for the balance sheet account. This field shows the type of this line – Income Statement or Balance Sheet.
Home Currency The home currency of the transaction lines that are included in this summary. This field is only populated if all the transaction lines in the summary share the same value, and Home Currency is included in the Summarization Fields field set. For more information, see Specifying Summarization Criteria.
Journal Line If a revenue journal was created for this transaction using the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the resulting journal line item.
Journal Line Creation Error Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal line in the revenue transaction summary's Journal Line field.
Journal Line Creation State Indicates whether the journal line in the revenue transaction summary's Journal Line field was created successfully.
Journal Amount The Amount Recognized with its sign reversed. If you are using the Summarized RRT to Journal Integration, this is the revenue value that is passed to the Accounting journal.
Journal Amount Dual The Journal Amount in dual currency. This value is calculated if Dual Currency is populated on the revenue transaction summary.
Journal Amount Home The Journal Amount in home currency. This value is calculated if Home Currency is populated on the revenue transaction summary.
Revenue Recognition Transaction Lookup to the related revenue recognition transaction record.

Analysis Details

This section shows the analysis information that revenue recognition transaction lines are grouped by in addition to Account and Account Type. You cannot edit the values in these fields.


A field is only populated in this section if all the transaction lines in the summary share the same value, and the field is included in the Summarization Fields field set. You can customize the summarization criteria by changing the fields in the Summarization Fields field set. For more information, see Specifying Summarization Criteria.

Field Description
Account The Salesforce account on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.
Analysis Item 1-4 Reporting values 1-4 on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.
Cost Center/Cost Center (Cost) The cost center on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.
Primary Object Record Name The name of the related primary object record on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.
Product The Salesforce product on the transaction lines that are included in this summary.

Revenue Recognition Transaction Lines

These are the fields installed by the FinancialForce Revenue Management managed package. Some custom lookup fields are added to this object during on-boarding. Once created, do not edit these lookup fields.

Key: S - Can be included in the Summarization Fields field set (for more information, see Specifying Summarization Criteria); X - Not populated on transactions created by recognizing revenue against revenue schedules.

Field   Description
Account S Lookup to the Salesforce account on this transaction line.
Actual vs Forecast Record   Lookup to the Actual vs Forecast record that this revenue recognition transaction line has been included in (if any). Only "Committed" revenue recognition transactions are included in Actual vs Forecast records.
Amortized Opening Balance X If an amount exists in the source record's Amortized to Date field before any revenue recognition transactions are created, it is recorded in this field on the first transaction. Typically an opening balance is set when migrating data into Revenue Management.
Amortized Opening Balance Dual X The amortized opening balance, in dual currency.
Amortized Opening Balance Home X The amortized opening balance, in home currency.
Amortized To Date X The cumulative amount amortized to date for the source record on this transaction line. This value is held in document currency and includes the Amount Amortized on this transaction line regardless of the transaction's status.
Amount Amortized   The amount amortized this period, in document currency. If you are using the RRT to Journal Integration for Cost, this is the cost value that is passed to the Accounting journal.
Amount Amortized (Dual)   The amount amortized this period, in dual currency.
Amount Amortized (Home)   The amount amortized this period, in home currency.
Amount Recognized   The amount recognized this period, in document currency.
Amount Recognized (Dual)   The amount recognized this period, in dual currency.
Amount Recognized (Home)   The amount recognized this period, in home currency.
Analysis Item 1-4 S Reporting values 1-4. If you are using FinancialForce Accounting with Revenue Management, you might want to use these fields to populate the Dimension 1-4 fields on journal line items.
Cost Amended   Indicates the line amount amortized has been amended.
Cost Center/Cost Center (Cost) S Specific component of your chart of accounts by which your management revenue or cost accounts are sub-analyzed. Copied from the Settings object.
Company   The company associated with this transaction line.
Cost Journal Line Creation Error   Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal line in the Cost Journal Line field.
Cost Journal Line Creation State   Indicates whether the journal line in the Cost Journal Line field was created successfully.
Cost Journal Line   If a journal was created for this transaction using the RRT to Journal Integration for Cost, this field provides a lookup to the resulting journal line item.
Document Currency   Currency of the related transaction. This is also the source record's currency.
Document Rate   The exchange rate that converts the recognized/amortized amounts from document currency to home currency. An exchange rate can have up to nine decimal places but Revenue Management displays it to two decimal places.
Dual Currency S The accounting company's dual currency. Dual currency is typically a corporate currency used for reporting purposes.
Dual Rate   The exchange rate that converts the recognized/amortized amounts from home currency to dual currency. An exchange rate can have up to nine decimal places but Revenue Management displays it to two decimal places.
GLA Revenue/GLA Cost   General ledger account code for this revenue or cost account type: Income Statement Account or Balance Sheet Account. Copied from the Settings object.
GLA Type   Two lines are created per selected record: one income statement account line and another for the balance sheet account. This field shows the type – Income Statement or Balance Sheet of this line.
Home Currency S The accounting company's home currency. Home currency is the company's main working, and reporting, currency.
Journal Amount   The Amount Recognized with its sign reversed. If you are using the RRT to Journal Integration, this is the revenue value that is passed to the Accounting journal.
Journal Amount Dual   The Amount Recognized (Dual) with its sign reversed.
Journal Amount Home   The Amount Recognized (Home) with its sign reversed.
Journal Line Creation Error   Contains any errors that occurred when creating the journal line in the Journal Line field.
Journal Line Creation State   Indicates whether the journal line in the Journal Line field was created successfully.
Journal Line   If a journal was created for this transaction using the RRT to Journal Integration, this field provides a lookup to the resulting journal line item.
Level 2-4 Object Record Name   Name of the related object record at Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in the object hierarchy.
Period   Period in which the related transaction was recognized.
Performance Obligation   Lookup to the related performance obligation (if applicable).
Primary Object Record Name S Name of the related primary object record.
Product S Lookup to the Salesforce product on this transaction line.
Recognized Date   Date the transaction was recognized.
Recognized Opening Balance X If an amount exists in the source record's Recognized to Date field before any revenue recognition transactions are created, it is recorded in this field on the first transaction. Typically an opening balance is set when migrating data into Revenue Management.
Recognized Opening Balance Dual X The recognized opening balance, in dual currency.
Recognized Opening Balance Home X The recognized opening balance, in home currency.
Recognized Record Id   Id of the source record.
Recognized To Date X The cumulative amount recognized to date for the source record on this transaction line. This value is held in document currency and includes the Amount Recognized on this transaction line regardless of the transaction's status.
Revenue Amended   Indicates the line amount recognized has been amended.
Revenue Contract   Lookup to the related revenue contract (if applicable).
Revenue Recognition Transaction   Master-Detail link to the related revenue recognition transaction.
Revenue Schedule Line   Lookup to the related revenue schedule line (if applicable).
Template   Lookup to the related template.

Integrating Revenue Management and FinancialForce Accounting

These lookups are added if the Enable Revenue Recognition for FFA feature is enabled in Feature Console.

Field Description
Sales Credit Note Lookup to the sales credit note associated with this transaction line.
Sales Credit Note Line Item Lookup to the sales credit note line item associated with this transaction line.
Sales Invoice Lookup to the sales invoice associated with this transaction line.
Sales Invoice Line Item Lookup to the sales invoice line item associated with this transaction line.

Integrating Revenue Management and Billing Central

These lookups are added if the Enable Revenue Recognition for Billing Contracts feature is enabled in Feature Console.

Field Description
BC Contract Lookup to the billing contract associated with this transaction line.
BC Contract Line Item Lookup to the billing contract line item associated with this transaction line.
Billing Document Lookup to the billing document associated with this transaction line.
Billing Document Line Item Lookup to the billing document line item associated with this transaction line.

Integrating Revenue Management and Salesforce Revenue Cloud

These lookups to Salesforce objects are added if the Revenue Cloud Connector feature is enabled in Feature Console.

Field Description
Credit Note Lookup to the credit note associated with this transaction line.
Credit Note Line Lookup to the credit note line associated with this transaction line.
Invoice Lookup to the invoice associated with this transaction line.
Invoice Line Lookup to the invoice line associated with this transaction line.
Order Lookup to the order associated with this transaction line.
Order Product Lookup to the order product associated with this transaction line.
Usage Summary Lookup to the usage summary associated with this transaction line.

Lightning Actions

Key: L - Only available on the Lightning version of the page.

Lightning Action   Description
Commit L Commits the selected revenue recognition transaction. When used in the list view, you can commit multiple revenue recognition transactions at once.
Discard L Discards the selected revenue recognition transaction and rolls back Recognized/Amortized to Date values on the associated source records. The Fully Recognized and Amortized field on associated source records is also deselected if it is no longer applicable. You can only discard a revenue recognition transaction if its status is "Committed". Permission to discard revenue recognition transactions should be restricted to administrators only.
Summarize L Summarizes and groups the selected revenue recognition transaction lines by account, account type and cost center. If you cannot see this button, contact your administrator.


Button Description
Commit Commits the selected revenue recognition transaction. When used in the list view, you can commit multiple revenue recognition transactions at once.
Delete You can only delete a revenue recognition transaction if its status is "In Progress", "Error", or "Discarded". If you need to delete a committed transaction you must discard it first.
Discard Discards the selected revenue recognition transaction and rolls back Recognized/Amortized to Date values on the associated source records. The Fully Recognized and Amortized field on associated source records is also deselected if it is no longer applicable. You can only discard a revenue recognition transaction if its status is "Committed". Permission to discard revenue recognition transactions should be restricted to administrators only.
Summarize Summarizes and groups the selected revenue recognition transaction lines by account, account type and cost center. If you cannot see this button, contact your administrator.