Default Mappings Germany

Note: All the Mapped To fields are from the Financial Transactions dataset in Business Analytics. For more information regarding each dataset field, see Financial Transactions Fields.

Each field is mapped to the following:



Mapped To

CASE Expression

  AccountID General Ledger Account Code  
  AccountDescription General Ledger Account Name  
  OpeningBalance Home Value  
  ClosingBalance Home Value  
Customers / Suppliers      
  RegistrationNumber Account Tax Registration Number  
  Name Account Name  
  ShippingAddressStreetName Account Shipping Street  
  ShippingAddressCity Account Shipping City  
  ShippingAddressPostalCode Account Shipping Postal Code  
  ShippingAddressCountry Account Tax Country Code  
  BillingAddressStreetName Account Billing Street  
  BillingAddressCity Account Billing City  
  BillingAddressPostalCode Account Billing Postal Code  
  BillingAddressCountry Account Tax Country Code  
  ContactPersonFirstName Account Contact First Name  
  ContactPersonLastName Account Contact Last Name  
  ContactPersonSalutation Account Contact Salutation  
  ContactTelephone Account Contact Phone  
  ContactFax Account Contact Fax  
  ContactEmail Account Contact Email  
  ContactMobilePhone Account Contact Mobile Phone  
  BankAccountNumber Account Bank Account Number  
  BankAccountName Account Bank Account Name  
  BankAccountSortCode Account Bank Account Sort Code  
  BankAccountBIC Account Bank Swift Number  
  CustomerID Account Number  
  AccountID Account Receivable Control Reporting Code  
  OpeningBalance Home Value  
  ClosingBalance Home Value  
  TaxCode Tax Code 1  
  Description Tax Code 1 Description  
  Dimension1Type Dimension 1 Type Description  
  Dimension1TypeDescription Dimension 1 Type Description  
  Dimension1ID Dimension 1 Reporting Code  
  Dimension1Name Dimension 1 Name  
  Dimension2Type Dimension 2 Type  
  Dimension2TypeDescription Dimension 2 Type Description  
  Dimension2ID Dimension 2 Reporting Code  
  Dimension2Name Dimension 2 Name  
  Dimension3Type Dimension 3 Type  
  Dimension3TypeDescription Dimension 3 Type Description  
  Dimension3ID Dimension 3 Reporting Code  
  Dimension3Name Dimension 3 Name  
  Dimension4Type Dimension 4 Type  
  Dimension4TypeDescription Dimension 4 Type Description  
  Dimension4ID Dimension 4 Reporting Code  
  Dimension4Name Dimension 4 Name  
  JournalID Transaction Document Number  
  Description Transaction Document Description  
  Type Account Payable/Receivable Type  
  TransactionID Transaction Name  
  Period Period Number Number  
  PeriodYear Period Year Number  
  TransactionDate Transaction Date  
  TransactionCreatedDate Transaction Created Date  
  LineID Transaction Line Name  
  AccountID Reporting Code  
  Dimension1Type Dimension 1 Type  
  Dimension1ID Dimension 1 Reporting Code  
  Dimension2Type Dimension 2 Type  
  Dimension2ID Dimension 2 Reporting Code  
  Dimension3Type Dimension 3 Type  
  Dimension3ID Dimension 3 Reporting Code  
  Dimension4Type Dimension 4 Type  
  Dimension4ID Dimension 4 Reporting Code  
  CustomerID Account Number If AccountPayableReceivableType = Customer or Customer/Vendor
  SupplierID Account Number If AccountPayableReceivableType = Vendor or Customer/Vendor
  LineDescription Transaction Line Description  
  Amount Home Value  
  AmountType   If Home Value is greater or equal to 0 then value = D (debit). All else = C (credit).
  DocumentCurrencyCode Document Currency If CurrencyHome != CurrencyDocument
  DocumentCurrencyAmount Document Value If CurrencyHome != CurrencyDocument
  DocumentExchangeRate   1 divided by ValueDocumentRate (8 fractions) if CurrencyHome != CurrencyDocument
  TaxCode Tax Code 1  
  TaxPercentage Home Value Tax Rate  
  TaxBase Home Taxable Value  
  DueDate Due Date  
  LineType Line Type  
  Department Deployed Department  
  FixedAssetName Fixed Asset Name  
  FixedAssetDescription Fixed Asset Description  
  FixedAssetGroup Fixed Asset Group  
  FixedAssetSubGroup Fixed Asset SubGroup  
  FixedAssetManufacturer Fixed Asset Manufacturer  
  FixedAssetManufacturerSerialNumber Fixed Asset Manufacturer Serial Number  
  FixedAssetDateInService Fixed Asset Date In Service  
  FixedAssetStatus Fixed Asset Status  
  JournalType Document Type  
  JournalDescription Transaction Document Description  
  DocumentNumber Transaction Document Number  
  HomeValue Home Dr Value  

If CurrencyHome != CurrencyDocument then (case when ValueDocument > 0 then ValueDocument else 0 end) end

Note: Value shown if currency is not equal to Home currency, and if transaction value is a debit. If value is a credit, nothing shown.

If CurrencyHome != CurrencyDocument then CurrencyDocument end

Note: Currency only shown if document uses a foreign currency. Home currency never shown here.
Note: Represents corporate book. Value "1" does not change.