Localization Fields

Here is a description of the objects used in the Localization functionality.

Audit File Log Fields

This object stores the log details from the file generation.

Here is a description of the fields on the Audit File Log object.

Audit File Log

Field Label


Audit File Log Name The name of the audit file log (autonumber with a AFL prefix).
Company The company the audit file is for.
Created By The user who created the audit fie log.
Last Modified By The user who last modified the audit file log.
Log Type Indicates the log type: Error, Information, Abort, External.
Message This contains any error log messages.

Business Activity Statement

Here is a description of the fields on the Business Activity Statement object.

Fields added in Spring 2022


Help Text

Amount Withheld from W1 Payments W2 Amount withheld from payments shown at W1.
Amount Withheld without ABN - W4 Amount withheld where no ABN is quoted.
Australian Business Number  
Capital Purchases G10  
Contact Person Authorised contact person who completed the form.
Contact Phone Number  
Date Date of declaration.
Deferred Company/Fund Instalment 7  

Document ID

Does G1 Amount Include GST? Does the amount shown at G1 include GST?
Does G1 Amount Include GST? Does the amount shown at G1 include GST?
Estimated Net GST for the Year G22  
Estimated Tax for the Year T8  
Export Sales G2  
Form Due On  
G21 Write the G21 amount at 1A in the Summary section (leave 1B blank).
GST Accounting Method  
GST on Purchases 1B Do not complete 1B if using GST instalment amount (Option 3).
GST on Sales or GST Instalment 1A  
Is 8A More than 8B?  
New Varied Rate T3  
Non-capital Purchases G11  
Other Amounts Withheld W3 Excluding any amount shown at W2 or W4.
Other GST-free Sales G3  
PAYG Income Tax Instalment 5A PAYG income tax instalment.
PAYG Instalment Amount T11 T1 x T2 (or x T3)
PAYG Instalment Amount T7 Write the T7 amount at 5A in the Summary section below OR if varying this amount, complete T8, T9, T4.
PAYG Instalment Income T1  
PAYG Tax Withheld 4  
Payment Due On  
Rate T2  
Reason Code for Variation G24  
Reason Code for Variation T4  
Reason Code for Variation T4  
Tax Instalment Variation Credit 5B Credit from PAYG income tax instalment variation.
Total Amount 8A 1A + 4 + 5A + 7
Total Amount 8B 1B + 5B
Total Amounts Withheld - W5 W2 + W4 + W5
Total Salary, Wages & Other Payments W1  
Total Sales G1 Total sales (G1 requires 1A completed).
Total Sales G1 Total sales (G1 requires 1A completed).
Varied Amount Payable for Quarter G23  
Varied Amount Payable for the Quarter T9  
Your Payment or Refund Amount 9 Do not use symbols such as +, -, /, $.