Period Close Template Fields

Here is the description of the fields that make up the Period Close Template object.

Field Description
Activate If selected, the period close template has an active scheduled period close process.
Days The number of days before or after the period end date when you want to run the scheduler. If the days are before the period end date, then the value is negative.
Description Field describing the purpose of the Period Close Template object.
Hard Close Options Picklist field displaying the GLA group options that you can hard close.
Period Close Template Name

Name of the period close template.

Public Holidays Excluded If the Exclude Public Holidays checkbox is selected, then this field on the Schedule Details tab has the value "Yes" and vice versa.
Soft Close Options Picklist field displaying the GLA group options that you can soft close.
Start Time Stores the start time of the scheduled job.
Weekends Excluded If the Exclude Weekends checkbox is selected, then this field on the Schedule Details tab has the value "Yes" and vice versa.


Here is the description of the buttons available on the Period Close Template page.

Name Description
Close Periods Closes periods for the selected companies on the Period Close Template page.
Schedule Schedules the period closing process of the companies selected on the Period Close Template, according to the details entered on the Schedule Template window.

Selected Company Fields

Here is the description of the fields that make up the Selected Company object.

Field Description
Companies Companies section on the Period Close Template page.
Period Close Template

Master-Detail field.

Period Close Template Line Item Name

Name of the period close template line item.