Canceling Inbound Customer Payments

Credited Invoices

If you want to prevent a customer from paying an invoice that has already been credited, you must amend the payment's Payment Stage to "Expired". You might want to do this, if for example, you have issued a credit note for a sales invoice or billing document.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to the sales invoice or billing document you want to cancel payment for.
  2. Click the payment link displayed on the sales invoice or billing document. For example, PAY-000000000.
  3. Change the payment stage to "Expired".
  4. Click Save.

Refunding Payments

If you want to refund a customer payment made with the Asperato Integration, we recommend using the following process:

  1. Manually create a sales credit note or convert the sales invoice or billing document you want to refund into a credit note, according to your preferred accounting procedure. For more information see the Accounting Help and the Billing Central Help.
  2. Navigate to the sales invoice or billing document you want to refund payment for.
  3. Select Payment.
  4. Click View.
  5. Click Refund.
  6. Enter the amount you want to refund.
  7. Click Process Refund.
  8. After you have completed the refund, manually create a cash entry of the type "Refund".
  9. Match the cash entry with the credit note using Accounting, according to your preferred accounting procedure. For more information see the Accounting Help.