Consolidating Manually Selected Billing Documents

Instead of using a consolidation rule, you can manually select billing documents for consolidation.

To consolidate billing documents:

  1. Click the Billing Documents tab.
  2. Select the billing documents that you want to consolidate.
  3. Click Consolidate. The Consolidate Billing Documents page displays.
  4. Select the consolidation grouping method to be used to group billing documents. The Default method groups documents by Account, Company, Currency, and Document Type. These fields are required and all grouping methods use them automatically. For information on how to create additional grouping methods, see Creating a Consolidation Grouping Method.
  5. If necessary, change the Document Date. It is set to today's date by default.
  6. [Optional] Change the Document Due Date. If you leave this field empty, the due date is calculated automatically as follows:
    • If you don't enter a due date on an invoice, it is calculated from credit terms. Credit terms held on account take precedence over credit terms held on company. If none exist on either account or company the due date is set to the document date.
    • If you don't enter a due date on a credit note, it is set to the document date.
  7. Click Consolidate.

The consolidation runs as a background process. Depending on the way in which your Salesforce org is configured, you might receive a notification or an email when the background job is complete. For details on how to monitor the process, see Monitoring the Progress of a Background Process.

Once the process finishes, the line items of billing documents that were grouped together are moved to a new consolidated document and the status of the original documents is set to "Superseded". Depending on the line limit set in Consolidation Settings, billing documents with the same field values might result in multiple consolidated billing documents.

Where fields (such as Customer Reference) have the same value on all the original billing documents, the value is used on the consolidated billing document. If an optional field has different values for multiple documents, the field is left blank on the consolidated billing document. When consolidating billing documents, checkboxes that contain conflicting values have the default value of the checkbox on the consolidated document.