Custom Proration Calculation Methods

If the proration calculation methods provided with Billing Central do not meet your business needs, you can develop your own custom methods using the Billing Central API.

To create a custom method you must write your own implementation of the interface ffbc.ProrationPlugin.IPolicy. This accepts the sales price before proration (price), the period being prorated (actualPeriod), and the information about how periods are scheduled for this line (schedule). It returns the prorated price.

The Set Final Period to Remainder from First optional behavior can be applied on top of your class. You do not need to implement it.

Once you have created and tested your class, add the class name (including namespace if appropriate) as a value in the Calculation Method picklist on the Proration Policy custom object. You can optionally edit the picklist value to give it a more descriptive label, but the API Name must match your class name.

Users can then select your custom method from the Calculation Method drop-down list when creating a proration policy.

Refer to the Billing Central API Developer's Reference for more information about this interface and to see example code.