Switch to Lightning Experience

This Feature Console page enables you to optimize Billing Central for Lightning Experience. Certinia recommends you use Billing Central in Lightning Experience to take advantage of new functionality. You should enable this feature for both new installations of Billing Central, and for upgrades.

To enable this feature:

  1. Click Launch for the first step, then click Perform to continue. This feature step assigns Lightning record pages as org defaults for the objects selected on the Update Action Overrides page.

    If you are upgrading, this feature step also removes overrides from the New, Edit and View buttons on the Billing Document object so that they open Lightning pages rather than enhanced detail pages (sometimes known as "Sencha"). The same button overrides on the Billing Contract and Plan objects are removed by the package defaults. This means that once this feature step is completed, you will create, edit, and view plans, billing contracts and billing documents in Lightning pages instead of in the Sencha pages that you might have used in previous releases. If you want to continue using the Sencha pages, see Reinstating the Enhanced Detail Pages.

  2. If you are upgrading, complete the additional changes described below. Mark step 2 as done when you have finished.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to mark the feature as enabled.

For new installations, you must perform additional customizations of the Billing Document object. For details, see Customizing the Billing Document object for use in Billing Central.

Upgrades Only

If you have upgraded to this version, review the following information and complete the changes that are applicable for your org.

Assign Lightning Page Layouts to User Profiles

Assign the Lightning page layouts for plans, billing contracts, and billing documents to the user profiles in your org. We recommend that you delete the original page layouts which were designed for Salesforce Classic and are no longer being maintained. If you made any customizations to the original page layouts, you will need to reapply them to the new layouts.

Object Lightning Page Layout Salesforce Classic Page Layout
Billing Contract Contract Layout - Lightning Contract Layout
Billing Document Billing Document Layout - Lightning (Billing Central) Billing Document Layout (Billing Central)
Plan Plan Layout - Lightning Plan Layout

Do not remove Related List items from the page layouts because doing so can cause issues on the Lightning record pages for plans, billing contracts, and billing documents. A related list's View All option will not display correctly, and some related lists might be blank.

We recommend that you also assign the following compact layouts because they are used by the Lightning record pages for these objects.

Object Compact Layout
Billing Contract Contract Compact Layout
Billing Document Billing Document Compact Layout
Plan Plan Compact Layout

Update Custom Lightning Record Pages

If you are using custom Lightning record pages for plans, billing contracts, and billing documents, update them to use custom Lightning components for improved related list functionality.

To do this:

  1. Open your custom Lightning record page in the Lightning App Builder and manually add the component for that record type:
    • For plans, add the BC Plan Line Items Lightning component
    • For billing contracts, add the BC Contract Line Items Lightning component
    • For billing documents, add the BC Billing Document Line Items Lightning component
  2. Remove any standard related lists that duplicate the line items shown in the new Lightning components.

For more information about editing Lightning pages, see the Salesforce Help.

For more information about using the Lightning component related lists, see Lightning Component Related Lists.