Billing Document Field Sets

Here is a description of the field sets on the Billing Document and Billing Document Line Item objects. Billing Central checks whether you have been granted access to fields in the Billing Central field sets. Fields that you do not have access to are hidden. For more information, see Field-Level Security.

Enhanced Billing Document Additional Fields

The Enhanced Billing Document Additional Fields field set on the Billing Document Line Item object is used by the following component and pages to determine which additional document line item fields to display:

  • The BC Billing Document Line Items Lightning component which presents a custom related list for Billing Document Line Items on the Billing Document Detail page.
  • The Edit Selected Products page that is displayed when you click the Add or Edit button in the custom related list presented by the BC Billing Document Line Items Lightning component.
  • The enhanced Billing Document Detail page.

You can control whether the document line item fields in this field set are added to, or replace, the default fields displayed by the BC Billing Document Line Items Lightning component and the Edit Selected Products page. Do this using the Replace Fields in Custom Related List field in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. When Replace Fields in Custom Related List is enabled, the fields in the field set replace the default fields. When Replace Fields in Custom Related List is disabled, the fields in the field set are appended to the default fields.

The Enhanced Billing Document Additional Fields field set on the Billing Document object determines which additional billing document fields to display on the enhanced Billing Document Detail page. This enhanced ("Sencha") page is no longer being developed. Certinia recommends that you use Billing Central in Lightning Experience to take advantage of new functionality.


Billing Central's own fields that are already displayed are not repeated if they are also included in these field sets.




Where is it Used?

Enhanced Billing Document Additional Fields

You can add these types of field to this field set:

  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date and Date / Time
  • Email
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Text
  • URL

Additionally, you can also add related object fields, formula fields and roll-up summary fields of a type listed here.


Dependent picklists are not fully supported. Updates to controlling fields might not be validated.

Billing Document Enhanced Billing Document Detail page
Enhanced Billing Document Additional Fields

Most billing document line item fields can be added to this field set. The only ones that cannot be added are Currency, Deleted, Description, and Shipping Street.

You can add these types of field to this field set:

  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date and Date / Time
  • Email
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Text
  • URL

Additionally, you can also add related object fields, formula fields and roll-up summary fields of a type listed here.

Billing Document Line Item
  • Enhanced Billing Document Detail page
  • In Lightning Experience, the custom related list for Billing Document Line Items on the Billing Document Detail page, and the Edit Selected Products page that is displayed when you click the Add or Edit button in this custom related list.

Plan Summary Fields and Printed Document Fields

These field sets are used on printed billing documents.

To print and email billing documents, you must be granted access to all fields in:

  • The Printed Document Fields field sets of the Billing Document and Billing Document Line Item objects.
  • The Plan Summary Fields field set of the Billing Document Line Item object.

If you do not have access to these fields, you cannot print or email billing documents.



Default Fields


Plan Summary Fields Defines the billing document fields to be displayed when summarizing a plan on billing documents.

Tax Value Total

Net Value

Billing Document Line Item
Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document fields to appear on billing documents.

Customer Reference

Document Number

Document Date

Document Due Date

Billing Document
Printed Document Fields Contains additional billing document line item fields to appear on billing documents.


Tax Rate Total

Tax Value Total

Net Value

Billing Document Line Item