Creating a Playbook

To create a new playbook:

  1. Click Create Playbook on the Customer Success Workspace or relevant record page.
  2. Select Create New Playbook.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter a name for the new playbook.
  5. [Optional] Select an account to associate with the playbook.
  6. [Optional] Update the start date. The default is today’s date.
  7. [Optional] Select a team to associate with the playbook.
  8. [Optional] To make a playbook available for selection as a template when creating new playbooks, select the Template checkbox.
  9. [Optional] Enter a description for the playbook. To upload an image, click .
  10. Click Create.

    Playbooks are automatically marked as Active after creation.

    When creating a playbook from the account record page, the Account field is auto-populated with the account you are currently viewing.

    If you don’t select a team during playbook creation, adding resources to the team using team manager automatically creates and associates a team with the playbook.

    When creating a playbook from an objective or success plan record page, the Account field auto-populates with the account associated with the record you are creating the playbook from.

To create a playbook from a template:

  1. Click Create Playbook on the Customer Success Workspace or relevant record page.
  2. Select Create Playbook from Template.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the template you want to use.
  5. Click Next.
  6. [Optional] Deselect the tasks that you don't want to copy to the new playbook.
  7. Click Next.
  8. [Optional] Update the name for the new playbook.
  9. [Optional] Select an account to associate with the playbook.
  10. [Optional] Update the start date. The default is today’s date.
  11. [Optional] Update the team for the new playbook. The team is auto-populated from the template.
  12. [Optional] To make a playbook available for selection as a template when creating new playbooks from templates, select the Template checkbox.
  13. [Optional] Update the description for the playbook. To upload an image, click . The description is auto-populated from the template.
  14. Click Create.

When selecting a template, only playbooks with the Active and Template checkboxes selected are displayed.

If you don’t select a team during playbook creation, adding resources to the team using team manager automatically creates and associates a team with the playbook.

When creating a playbook from an objective or success plan record page, the Account field auto-populates with the account associated with the record you are creating the playbook from.