About Rules

In ClickLink you create ClickLink rules to connect objects and manipulate data from the objects before it is passed to the target system or object.

A ClickLink rule is a top-level mechanism by which you convert data in one object to another. ClickLink rules can consist of:

  • Source and target objects that define where data comes from and where it ends up.
  • At least one ClickLink mapping.
  • A ClickLink relationship.
  • ClickLink buttons.

You can run a ClickLink rule on one record or as a ClickLink job. You can schedule ClickLink jobs to run at specific intervals.

When you run a ClickLink rule, log entries are generated. you can set up ClickLink logs to review actions that occur as a result of running ClickLink rules.

There are five main scenarios that you can use ClickLink for:

  • Generating a target record from a source record.
  • Generating more than one target record from a source record with roll-up information.
  • Generating detailed target information from a single source record.
  • Generating records to group records imported using the Salesforce Data Loader for later conversion to other target objects, such as Accounting documents.
  • Synchronizing source records with target records.

For information about these scenarios, see Basic Scenarios. For information about creating a ClickLink rule, see Using the Application. For advanced case studies, see Certinia Case Studies.