DateTime Format

Formats a datetime string.



Where YourDateTimeString can contain any of the following:

  • d,dd,m,mm,yy,yyyy are as defined in Date Format.
  • s Second without a leading zero.
  • ss Second with a leading zero for seconds less than 10.
  • n Minute without a leading zero.
  • nn Minute with a leading zero for minutes less than 10.
  • h Hour without a leading zero.
  • hh Hour with a leading zero for hours less than 10.

Sample Code

<field name="YourAPI_DateTime_FieldName" format="yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss"/>

Results in a date and time that looks like this: 2012-01-27 13:59:59

<field name="YourAPI_DateTime_FieldName" format="mm/dd hh:nn"/>

Results in a date and time that looks like this: 01/27 13:59