Output Template Body Content

You can write the content of the output template body in various formats including:

  • Microsoft Word XML
  • Microsoft Excel XML
  • HTML
  • XML
  • PDF

For improved security in your org:

  • Merge fields included in Microsoft Word XML documents must be placed within paired double-quotes or paired single-quotes.
  • Merge fields included in Microsoft Excel XML documents must be placed within cell values.
  • Merge fields included in HTML documents must be placed within an attribute or tag. Merge fields should never placed in JavaScript.

You must select the appropriate content type for the output template body in the output template. See Output Template Fields.

If you are creating a PDF template, write the content of the output template body in HTML. If your content uses images, they must be in the documents folder in your Salesforce organization and the image tag must point to that location. You cannot reference content from an external website.