Assigning Resources by Name

Using Assign Resource To Project

Your administrator must:

  • Add PSA Actions: Assignments to your project record page.
  • Display the Assign Resource to Project button on the project page by enabling the Show Assign Resource to Project (Pilot) link in PSA Actions: Assignments.
  • Assign the appropriate permissions. See Assign Resource to Project Permissions.

For more information about Lightning action containers, See “App Builder” in the Salesforce Help.


An Assignment custom setting determines the default scheduling strategy that is displayed in the Assign Resource to project window. For more information, see Default Scheduling Strategy.

You can add the following additional editable field types from the Assign Resource To Project Custom Fields field set on the Assignment object to the Assign Resource to Project window:

  • Boolean
  • Date
  • Lookup
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Picklist
  • Text Area (255 characters)
  • Text Long

For more information, see Assignment Field Sets.

We do not support lookup fields in a field set on the Assign Resource To Project Lightning window that reference more than one object. For example, the Owner lookup field on the Assignment and Project objects. In this instance, the field added to a field set does not display.

To assign a resource to a project using the Assign Resource to Project action:

  1. On a project record page, click Actions | Assignments | Assign Resource To Project. The Assign Resource To Project window is displayed. The assignment's Start and End Date field values default from the project's start and end dates. When the project has no start or end dates, the corresponding fields in the Assign Resource To Project window are blank.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    1. Resource. The name of the resource. This is a required field.
    2. [Optional] Resource Role. The role the resource is going to perform on this project. The picklist that displays is from the Contact object and not the Assignment object.
    3. Start Date. The start date of the assignment. This is a required field and must be a date that is equal to or earlier than the end date.
    4. End Date. The end date of the assignment. This is a required field and must be a date that is equal to or later than the start date.
    5. [Optional] Milestone. The default is "Blank". Available milestones are filtered by the project record.
    6. Billable. Determines whether the assignment is chargeable for a billable project.
      When creating a new assignment for a non-billable project, the Billable and the Bill Rate fields do not display. The assignment is non-billable and the bill rate is set to “0.00”.
      When Billable is deselected, the Bill Rate field is hidden and the bill rate is set to “0.00”.
    7. Bill Rate. A rate to bill for the billable assignment. The default is "0.00". The read-only project currency is displayed adjacent to the bill rate.
    8. Use Default Cost Rate. Set to use the resource's default cost rate from the Contact record. Deselect to set a custom cost rate amount.
    9. Cost Rate Amount. This field is only visible when the Use Default Cost Rate field is deselected. A custom numerical cost rate value to use for the assignment. The default is "0.00". The read-only project currency is displayed adjacent to the cost rate.
    10. Scheduled Hours. Enter the total number of hours you want to schedule for the assignment.
    11. Scheduling Strategy. Select a scheduling strategy to determine how the hours are allocated across the resource'sClosed A contact that works on a project. schedule when assigning a resource. For more information about scheduling strategies, see the Schedule table.
  3. Click Assign. Following successful field validation, the Assign Resource To Project window closes and you are returned to the project:
    • A new assignment is created for the selected resource.
    • A link to the assignment record is displayed in the success message.
    • The Scheduled Hours are set. This field might not update immediately on the assignment record.

The following assignment information is set by default.

Setting Setting Value
Assignment Name Set to the Project Name - Resource Name. This setting respects the custom settings that determine the maximum number of characters used for both the project name and the resource name. For more information, see Assignment Custom Settings.
Cost Rate Currency Set to the resource currency.
Cost Rate is Daily Rate Set to "False".
Currency Set to the project currency.
Project Set to the source project from which the Assign Resource to Project window was opened.
Resource Cost Rate Date Set to the assignment creation date.