Expense Entry Lightning Component Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the PSA Expense Entry Lightning component.


AR – Available when the Expense Entry component is in a read-only state.

E - Available when the Expense Entry component is in editable state.

R – Read-only

* – Mandatory field




Amount   * Total amount of the expense.
Assignment     The project assignment to enter an expense against.
Attach Files E   Attach files such as receipts to the expense.
Billable     If selected, indicates the expense is billable.
Currency ISO Code   * The currency the expense was incurred in.
Description     The description of the expense.
Distance   *

The distance traveled for the expense.


This field is only displayed when an active expense rate with a rate unit is associated with the selected type.

Expense Date E * Date on which the expense was incurred.
Milestone     The project milestone to enter time against.
Notes     Notes for the expense.
Project   * The project to enter time against.
Rate Unit   *

Unit of measurement to use for the expense.


This field is only displayed when an active expense rate with a rate unit is associated with the selected type.

Status AR   The current status of the expense:
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Saved
  • Submitted
Type   * The type of expense incurred.


These are the buttons on the PSA Expense Entry Lightning component when it is in a read-only state.

Button Description
New Creates a new expense.
Submit All Submits expenses with a status of Saved for approval.

These are the buttons on the PSA Expense Entry Lightning component when it is in an editable state.

Button Description
Cancel Discards unsaved changes.
Delete Deletes the expense with a status of Saved.
Save Saves the expense.
Submit Submits the expense for approval.