Setting up External Calendars

Before you synchronize events created for assignments and project task assignments (PTAs) with the external calendar, we recommend that you complete the initial setup.

Enable Custom Settings

To control and customize this functionality, you can use the External Calendar Events Settings custom setting. For more information, see External Calendars Integration with PSA Settings.

The following custom setting fields are mandatory for this functionality to work:

  • Named Credential for Google
  • Named Credential for Outlook
  • Sync PTA with External Calendar
  • Sync Assignment with External Calendar
  • Ensure that the correct API name of the named credential is in the Named Credential for Google or Named Credential for Outlook custom setting field.
  • You can either sync PSA with Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook, which means you can enter only one named credential at a time in either Named Credential for Google or Named Credential for Microsoft.

Cleanup Queue Events

To delete Integration Core Queue Events from the org that were created during the calendar integration process:

  1. From Setup, click Custom Code | Apex Classes.
  2. Click Schedule Apex.
  3. Enter a job name.
  4. For Apex Class, select CE_IhccQueueEventsCleanupSchedulable .
  5. Define the frequency, start and end dates, and the preferred start time. For more information on the available options, see the Salesforce Help.
  6. Click Save.
This job deletes the Integration Core Queue Events older than 24 hours.