Viewing Billing Forecast Calculations

To view a billing forecast calculation:

  1. Select the Billing Forecast Calculations tab. A list of generated billing forecast calculations is displayed.
  2. Click the name of the billing forecast calculation you want to view.

Alternatively, you can view the billing forecast calculations for a region, practice, or group from the Billing Forecast Calculations related list on the Region, Practice, or Group objects.

On the Billing Forecast Calculation Details page, the Status field indicates whether or not there were any errors. A progress bar indicates the current point in the batch process and whether or not it has completed.

The Billing Forecast Calculation Logs related list gives details of any errors that occurred during the billing forecast generation process. For more information, see Billing Forecast Calculation Log Fields.

The Billing Forecast Overrides related list allows you to view a list of any overrides that have been applied to the billing forecast calculation.

To view the data generated by a billing forecast calculation, click View Billing Forecast on the Billing Forecast Calculation Details page. For more information, see Viewing a Billing Forecast.

To view details of the billing forecast setup values used for a billing forecast calculation, click the Billing Forecast Setup lookup on the Billing Forecast Calculation Details page.