Revenue Forecast Version Fields

The revenue forecast version record includes the following fields.

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Field Description
Apex Job ID The ID for the Apex job executing the revenue forecast version batch process.
Batch Process A lookup to the batch process record used for this revenue forecast version. The record is deleted automatically if the process completes successfully.
Batch Processing Status The current status of the RFV_VersionDetailBatch job: "Pending", "Processing", "Error", or "Complete". Refresh your browser to ensure the processing status is up to date. If the process completes with errors, an error log is available from the Message field on the related revenue forecast batch log.
Corp: Currency The corporate currency of the org at the time this revenue forecast was run.
Exclude Probability from Opportunities Indicates probabilities were excluded from opportunity revenue forecasts when this revenue forecast version was created.
Include Best Case Indicates the opportunity best case threshold was applied when this revenue forecast version was created.
Include Worst Case Indicates the opportunity worst case threshold was applied when this revenue forecast version was created.
Locked Indicates this revenue forecast version is locked and adjustments can no longer be made.
Object for Version Grouping The object that projects and opportunities are grouped under on the Review Forecast Version page.
Note: This is the object that was specified in the Object for Version Grouping field on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time this revenue forecast version was created. If the field was blank or if there was no active revenue forecast setup record, projects and opportunities are automatically grouped by region on the Review Forecast Version page.
Opportunity Expected Threshold (%) The opportunity expected threshold that was specified on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time this revenue forecast version was created.
Opportunity Best Case Threshold (%) The opportunity best case threshold that was specified on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time this revenue forecast version was created.
Opportunity Worst Case Threshold (%) The opportunity worst case threshold that was specified on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time this revenue forecast version was created.
Status Indicates this revenue forecast version record relates to the current version of the forecast, or to the previously generated version. You can only have one record with a status of "Current" and one record with a status of "Previous".