Create Billing Documents Batch Fields

Creating billing documents from the billing events list view is done as a batch Apex job. PSA uses the Create Billing Documents Batch and Create Billing Documents Batch Log objects to manage the job.

Here is a description of the fields that make up a record for the Create Billing Documents Batch object. Many of these fields are intended for internal use only and may not be visible on your page layout. You might want to view a batch record to access logs created by the process.

Field Description
Apex Job ID Unique identifier for the current batch Apex job.
Batch Process Lookup to the batch process record. The record is deleted automatically when the process completes.
Notification Type The type of notification sent when the process completed: Successful, Failure, or Mixed.
Status The current status of the batch job: "Processing", "Complete", or "Error". If the process completed with errors, an error log will be available from the Create Billing Documents Batch Logs related list. Refresh your browser to ensure the process status is up to date.
Total Number of Aborts The number of logs where Log Type is Abort.

Total Number of Errors

The number of logs where Log Type is Error.
Total Number of External The number of logs where Log Type is External.
Total Number of Logs The total number of logs.

Create Billing Documents Batch Logs

Contains a list of logs generated by the process.

Field Description
Create Billing Documents Batch Lookup to the batch record.
Log Type

The log type: Information, Abort, Error, External.

Message If the log type is error, this includes information about the error.