Request Resources Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons that appear on the Request Resources page.


Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Add Resources

* – Mandatory field
R – Read-only
O – Not displayed when creating a resource request from an opportunity.

Field   Description
Milestone O Milestone to which the resource request applies.
Notes   Place to enter notes.
Number of Resources * Number of resources like this you need.
Percent Allocated   Proportion of time (as a percentage) the resource will spend on the project. Must correspond with dates and requested hours.
Planned Bill Rate   The bill rate used during planning activities on fixed price resource requests when the actual bill rate is zero.
Project / Opportunity R Name of the related project or opportunity.
Region / Practice / Group * RPG pool from which this resource should come.
Request Priority   Priority of the resource request.
Requested Bill Rate   Bill rate your project will charge for this resource.
Requested Hours * Estimated number of hours for the resource.
Resource Request Name   Name of the resource request.
Resource Role * The resource role of the resource that you are requesting.
Start / End Date * Estimated start and end dates.
Suggested Resource   Name of a specific resource that you would like to use.

Skill Selection

Field Description
Minimum Rating The minimum level of exposure or ability the requested resource must have in the requested skill or certification.
Skill/Certification Name of the skill or certification to add to the request, such as "Java" or "Project Management".
Skill Set The name of the sill set that you want to use to apply multiple skills or certifications to the resource request.

New Resource Requests

Contains the resource requests to be saved when you click Save.


Button Description
Add Adds the resource request in the Add Resources section to the New Resource Requests list. These resource requests are saved when you click Save.
Add Skill Adds an empty row to the skills list so that you can add a skill to the list.
Apply Skill Set Adds the skills in the selected skill set to the resource request.
Save Saves the resource requests in the New Resource Request list.
Removes the resource request from the New Resource Requests list.