Utilization Run Batch Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a utilization run batch record.

Key: The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate;




Apex Job ID   The ID for the Apex job executing the process.
Message 32768   If the status is "Error", this includes information about the error.
Start Date   The start date used in the current stage of the utilization run in the batch.
Status     The current status of the batch job. The status options can be:
  • Complete
  • Error
  • Generating Utilization Results

  • Pending
  • Processing Assignments
  • Processing Held Resource Requests
  • Processing Timecards
  • Processing Unheld Resource Requests
  • Processing Work Calendars
Processing statuses also display the number of years being processed.
Utilization Run     Lookup to the utilization run this utilization run batch relates to.
Utilization Run Batch Name     The utilization run batch record identifier. The format is URB followed by a generated number.