Work Planner Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the properties pane of the Lightning App Builder for the following Work Planner Lightning components:

  • Line Manager Work Planner
  • Project Manager Work Planner
  • Resource Work Planner
  • Work Planner (embedded on the Work Planner Lightning page provided by Certinia or added to a custom Lightning page by your administrator)

If you want to customize the Work Planner Lightning page by changing the Work Planner component properties, you will need to edit the Work Planner page. When you edit the page for the first time, Salesforce makes a copy of it in the background. This copy is what you edit in the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Setting up Work Planners.

Field Description Default Value
Assignment Details Custom Fields Field Set The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the Details section on the Assignment tab of the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, the following fields are displayed by default: Resource, Project, Role, Start Date, and End Date.

For information on the field sets available, see Assignment Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.
Assignment Details Tasks Custom Fields Field Set The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the Assignment Tasks section of the Assignment tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, the start date and end date is displayed by default for the relevant tasks.

For information on the field sets available, see Project Task Field Sets and Project Task Assignment Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.
Contact Card Custom Fields Field Set The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the Details section of the Resource tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

For information on the field sets available, see Contact Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.
Contact Card Show Logged Hours If selected, logged hours are displayed in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details. Deselected
Contact Card Show Resource Requests If selected, resource requests are displayed in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details. Selected
Contact Card Show Scheduled Time in Hours If selected, a resource's scheduled time is displayed in hours in the Resource Schedule section of the Resource tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details. Deselected
Hover Details Field Set for Assignments

The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed when hovering over an assignment.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, a default set of fields is displayed: Start Date, End Date, Project, Scheduled Hours.

For information on the field sets available, see Assignment Field Sets. For information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

Hover Details Field Set for Resource Requests

The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed when hovering over a resource request.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, a default set of fields is displayed: Start Date, End Date, Project, Requested Hours.

For information on the field sets available, see Resource Request Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

Hover Details Field Set for Projects

The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed when hovering over a project.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, a default set of fields is displayed: Start Date, End Date, Project Manager, Account.

For information on the field sets available, see Project Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

Pixel Height The component height in pixels. You can enter a value from 100 to 10,000. 500 pixels
Project Details Custom Fields Field Set

The field set contains the custom fields that are displayed in the Details section of the Project tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

If None is selected or the selected field set contains no valid fields, the following fields are displayed by default: Start Date, End Date, Region, Practice, Group, Account, Billable, and Project Manager.

For information on the field sets available, see Project Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.

Resource Request Details Custom Fields Field Set The field set containing the custom fields that are displayed in the Details section of the Resource Request tab on the Record Details panel. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

If None is selected or a selected field set does not contain any valid fields, the following fields are displayed by default: Project, Start Date, End Date, Opportunity, Resource Held, Resource Role, and Resource.

For information on the field sets available, see Resource Request Field Sets. For more information on creating and editing field sets, see the Salesforce Help.