Upgrading to PSA Spring 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Spring 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in This Feature section under each feature for details of items such as objects, fields, or buttons that have been added in this release.


Where new objects, fields, or buttons have been added for a feature, we recommend that you add them to any relevant page layouts, profiles, and permission sets. For information on how to do this, see the Salesforce Help.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Spring 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in PSA Spring 2023.

FinancialForce is Now Certinia

We have made the following changes to align with our new Certinia brand:

  • The publisher name has been updated to Certinia
  • Package names no longer reference FinancialForce
  • In most cases, text referring to FinancialForce has been replaced with Certinia

For more information about these updates and related text changes, see the Package Name Updates article in the Certinia Community and the Technical Documentation Pack.

To learn more about our rebrand, visit the Certinia Community for a message from our CEO, Scott Brown.


Major versions include updates to both package and publisher names. In service packs, only the package name has changed. Some elements, such as theming and logos, have not been updated and other references to FinancialForce might remain visible in your org.

Certinia Trailhead: Release Highlights

If you want to learn more about the new features in this release, see the PS Cloud - Spring 2023 Release Highlights Certinia Trailhead module. This module will guide you through the new features in our PS Cloud products.

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Lightning Experience

The following table explains the various Lightning component types.


Description Visualforce Buttons or Actions
Lightning app pages Direct replacements for existing pages or parts of pages. The equivalent existing Visualforce buttons or actions that any PSA Lightning component types replaced in this release have been removed from the object page layouts. If you are upgrading to any Lightning component types in this PSA release, you might need to manually remove any Visualforce buttons or actions from any page layouts that have not already been removed.
PSA Actions components Components that contain multiple PSA Lightning actions to open new Lightning windows or existing Visualforce pages. The components are included in the relevant default record pages.
PSA Lightning actions Actions that open new Lightning windows. These are included in the default object page layouts.
PSA Lightning components Components that deliver specific functionality. These are included in the relevant default record pages.

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade Lightning components to Spring 2023 for your users, take the following actions.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Assign the PSA - Lightning Component Apex Class Access permission set to the user profiles of users who will use Lightning components.

Assigning and Removing Permission Sets

Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help

If you want to use the Certinia record pages instead of your own, activate the Certinia record pages in the Lightning App Builder. You have the following options:

  • Make the page the org default for the object.
  • Make the page the default object record page for specific Lightning apps.
  • Assign the page to a combination of Lightning apps, record types, and profiles.
  • Assign the page to a form factor, such as a desktop or phone.
For information on activating Lightning Experience record pages, see the Salesforce Help

If you want to continue to use your own record pages, you can add the following to them:

  • PSA Actions components.
  • PSA Lightning components.
PSA Lightning Components
If you want to use any new PSA Lightning actions, add them to your object page layouts. For information on adding quick actions to page layouts in Lightning Experience, see the Salesforce Help

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added or updated in this release for Lightning Experience.

Lightning Components

Lightning Components Added in PSA Spring 2023
Component Description Further Information
PSA Work Planner View and edit all assignments and resource requests.

Setting up Work Planners

Using Work Planners

PSA Utilization Administration Actions
  • Create or manage your current active utilization setup.
  • Delete all utilization results within a specified time period.

Setting up Utilization Analytics

Deleting Utilization Results

Lightning Actions

Lightning Actions Added in PSA Spring 2023

Lightning Actions Page Layout Further Information
Add Records from Template Project Adding Records from a Template
Revenue Forecast Preview PSA Administration PSA Administration
Delete Utilization Results Deleting Utilization Results
Manage Utilization Setup Setting up Utilization Analytics
Utilization Setups Viewing Utilization Results
Start Utilization Run Starting a Utilization Run

Assign Multiple Resources to Project

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

External Calendars Integration with PSA

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023

Included in this Feature

Custom Setting Fields

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Custom Setting Fields Added in Spring 2023

Custom Setting Field

Further Information

Named Credential for Outlook External Calendars Integration with PSA Settings


Fields Added in Spring 2023



Further Information

Action: Sync with External Calendar Project Task Project Task Fields
Exclude from External Calendar Sync Assignment Assignment Fields
Project Task Project Task Fields
Project Task Assignment Project Task Assignment Fields

Permission Sets

The following permission sets have been updated in this release.

Field Permissions Added in Spring 2023

Permission Set


Further Information

PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks

Added Read/Write access to the following fields on the Project Task object:

  • Action: Sync with External Calendar
  • Exclude from External Calendar Sync
Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation
Added Read/Write access to the Exclude from External Calendar Sync field on the Project Task Assignment object.
PSA - Manage Project Assignments Added Read/Write access to the Exclude from External Calendar Sync field on the Assignment object.

Field-Level Security

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

If you are using the Project Planner or the Resource Planner and have created your own permission sets, you must add the following:

  • Create and Update access to the Preference object
  • Read and Update access to the Feature and Value fields on the Preference object

We have updated the PSA - Use Project Planner and PSA - Use Resource Planner permission sets provided by Certinia accordingly.

In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on user permission and access, see the Salesforce Help.

If you are using the Resource Request page you must add the following:

  • Create and Delete access to the Schedule object
  • Create access to the Schedule Exception object
  • Edit access to the Resource Request object
  • Edit access to the Assignment object

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Field Level Security Permission Checks

FLS Permission Checks Added in Spring 2023




When using the Self Assignment Visualforce page
  • Schedule
  • Use Resource Default Cost Rate
Default Cost Rate Contact
Work Calendar Holiday
When updating schedules and resource request through Search Resources UI
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Scheduled Hours
  • Monday Hours
  • Tuesday Hours
  • Friday Hours
  • Saturday Hours
  • Sunday Hours
  • Resources
  • Preferred Schedule
  • Resource Held
  • Status
Resource Request
  • Percent Allocated
  • Resource Request
When changing filter preferences in the Planner UI
  • Value
  • Feature
When creating and updating assignments from Trigger
  • Rate Card
  • Suggested Bill Rate Number
  • Suggested Bill Rate Currency Code
  • Average Cost Rate Number
  • Average Cost Rate Currency Code
When linking Project Task Assignments with Resource Request and Assignment Resource Request Project Task Assignment
When assigning a resource to a project on the Assign Resource to Project page
  • Cost Rate Currency Code
  • Use Project Currency For Resource Cost
  • Use Resource Currency For Resource Cost

Financial Insights on Project Tasks and Project Task Assignments

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023
Action Further Information

[Optional] Add the Actual Cost field to the Project Task field set Gantt Read Only Custom Columns.

The field is displayed in the Gantt Task Grid.

Gantt Buttons, Controls, and Fields

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Fields Added in Spring 2023


Further Information
Actual Cost Project Task

Project Task Fields

Project Task Assignment Fields

Gantt Buttons, Controls, and Fields

  Project Task Assignment
  "Gantt Fields"
Estimated Cost

Project Task

Project Task Fields

Project Task Assignment Fields

Gantt Buttons, Controls, and Fields

  Project Task Assignment

"Gantt Fields"

Estimated Hours Project Task Assignment Project Task Assignment Fields

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023
Permission Set


Further Information
PSA - View Cost and Revenue Summary for Project

Renamed to PSA - View Financial Information for Project.

Added read access to the following:

  • Estimated Cost and Actual Cost fields on the Project Task object.
  • Estimated Cost and Actual Cost fields on the Project Task Assignment object.
  • Rate Card object.

In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Setting up Financial Information on Project Tasks

PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks

Added read access to the Estimated Hours field on the Project Task Assignment object.

PSA - Manage Resourcing for Project Tasks Added read access to the Estimated Hours field on the Project Task Assignment object.


Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

If any users in your org had Adjust This Project's End Date selected in Gantt Preferences for a project, they will need to reselect the preference. Previously, it only applied to the user who selected it. Now, it applies to all users of that project. Gantt Preferences

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.


Fields Added in Spring 2023


Further Information
Adjust End Date Project Project Fields

Permissions Sets

The following permission sets have been updated in this release.

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023    
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks Added Read and Update permission to the Adjust End Date field on the Project object.

In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

Gantt on a Project Record

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

[Optional] In the Lightning App Builder for the Project Lightning page, select the Project Gantt component. Then, select a Project Task field set from the Custom Columns Field Set field in the properties pane. The fields in the field set enable you to control the columns that are displayed in the component.

Note: The Synchronize Milestone and Task field is no longer loaded into the Project Gantt component by default. If you want synchronized milestone tasks to display in orange, you must add the Synchronize Milestone and Task field to the selected field set.

Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Lightning Component Properties

Lightning Component Properties Added in Spring 2023


Further Information
Custom Columns Field Set Use a Project Task field set to control the information displayed in the Project Gantt Lightning component on a project record page. Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Manage Gantt and Project Tasks

Added Read access to the Contact object.

Added Read access to the Salesforce User field on the Contact object.

Added Apex class access for:

  • GNT_CustomColumnController
  • GNT_ExportController
  • LookupSearchController
  • RM_ContactCardAvailabilityController
  • RM_HoverDetailsController
  • RM_ResourceAvailabilityTilesController

In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

PSA - Manage Project Tasks

Added Read access to the Contact object.

Added Read access to the Salesforce User field on the Contact object.

Added Apex class access for:

  • GNT_CustomColumnController
  • GNT_ExportController
  • GNT_ProjectHierarchyLoadController
  • GNT_ResourcingController
  • GNT_SecurityController
  • LookupSearchController
  • RM_ContactCardAvailabilityController
  • RM_HoverDetailsController
  • RM_ResourceAvailabilityTilesController

Managing Skills

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Project Team Schedule

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Resourcing Pages Include Essential and Desirable Skills

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.


See PSA Help

Further Information

To use essential and desirable skills, select the Enable Desirable Skills field in the Skills Management Settings custom setting. "Skills Management Settings" Skills Management Settings

Resource Optimizer

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Revenue Forecasting

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.


If you have previously installed the Fall 2019 version of PSA, you must ensure that the Project ID field on the Revenue Forecast Batch Lock object has been deleted.

Volumes and Performance Enhancements

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Time Variance

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Work Planners

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - View Work Planner

Added Read permission for the Region, Practice, and Group fields on the following objects:

  • Contact
  • Project
  • Resource Request

Added Read permission for the Exclude from Planners fields on the following objects:

  • Assignment
  • Resource Request

Added Read permission for the Skill / Certification Rating object.

Added Read permission to the following fields on the Skill / Certification Rating object:

  • Aspiration
  • Certified
  • Numerical Rating
  • Rating

Added Apex class access for MatchQualityController.

In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.

PSA - Edit Work Planner

Time Entry

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

[Optional] Enable the Auto Enable Timecard Sync custom setting to automatically enable timecard sync when starting a new timer session.

Timer Settings

To use day mode when logging time against timecards, add the Available Time Entry Modes field to the Work Calendar page layout, and the Time Logged in Days field to the Timecard page layout.

You must also assign the following permission sets to users who use time entry:

  • PSA - Enter Time Against Assignments
  • PSA - Enter Time Against Milestones
  • PSA - Enter Time Against Tasks

Users must have read/write access to the daily days, for example Monday Days and Tuesday Days. These fields have been added to the timecard and task time objects.

Work Calendar Fields
Time Entry Lightning Component Fields

Permissions for the Time Entry Component

Included in this Feature

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Enter Time Against Assignments Added access to the Time Logged in Days and Daily Days fields. Permissions for the Time Entry Component
PSA - Enter Time Against Tasks Added access to the Daily Days field.


Fields Added in Spring 2023


Further Information
Timecard Assignment Timer component Timer Lightning Component Buttons and Fields
Timecard Milestone
Timecard Project
Timecard Project Task
Available Time Entry Modes Work Calendar Work Calendar Fields
Monday Days Timecard Task Time

Timecard Entry Fields

Task Time Fields

Tuesday Days
Wednesday Days
Thursday Days
Friday Days
Saturday Days
Sunday Days
Timecard Logged in Days Time Entry Lightning component Time Entry Lightning Component Fields
Time Logged in Days Timecard Timecard Entry Fields
Time Logged in Days Project Project Fields

Custom Settings

Custom Settings Updated in Spring 2023

Custom Setting

Further Information

Timer Settings

Timer Settings

Task-Based Scheduling of Held Resource Requests

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Utilization Analytics

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

For Existing Users Upgrading to Utilization Analytics

If you have upgraded to Utilization Analytics Lightning Experience in Winter 2023 then perform the following:

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Navigate to Feature Console | Utilization Analytics and perform Feature Step 4 and Feature Step 5.

Setting up Utilization Analytics

For New Users upgrading to Utilization Analytics

If you are upgrading to Utilization Analytics in Lightning Experience for the first time then perform the following:

Upgrade Steps for Spring 2023


Further Information

Navigate to Feature Console | Utilization Analytics and perform Feature Step 1 to Feature Step 5.

Enabling Utilization Analytics

Included in this Feature

Lightning Components

For more information about Lightning components included in this release see Lightning Components.

Lightning Actions

For more information about Lightning actions included in this release see Lightning Actions.

Page Layouts

Page Layouts Updated in Spring 2023
Page Layout Description Further Information
Utilization Run Calculation Layout Utilization_Run__c Customizing Page Layouts
Utilization Run Deletion Layout
Utilization Setup


Permission Sets

Permission Sets Updated in Spring 2023
Permission Set Description Further Information
PSA - Utilization Analytics





In Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation, click Permissions and select Permission Changes from the Contents pane.

For information on assigning permission sets to single or multiple users, see the Salesforce Help.


Fields Updated in Spring 2023
Field Object Further Information
Start Date PSA Administration - Delete Utilization Results Deleting Utilization Results
End Date

Utilization Period (radio buttons):

PSA Administration - Manage Utilization Setting up Utilization Analytics

Last, Current, and Next Year

Current and Next Year
Last, Current, and Next Quarter
Custom [Start Date] [End Date]
Only Include Changes
Send Success Email
Send Failure Email
Send Success Notification
Send Failure Notification
Calculate Hours for Threshold Values (checkbox)
Use Advanced Settings (checkbox)
Schedule Frequency (drop down) Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Schedule Start Time
Threshold Value 1 - 4
Resource Batch Size
Assignment Batch Size
Schedule Exception Batch Size
Work Calendar Batch Size
Utilization Result Batch Size
Held Resource Request Batch Size
Unheld Resource Request Batch Size
Timecard Batch Size
Utilization Run Assignment Assignment Fields


Buttons Added in Spring 2023
Button Name


Further Information
Delete PSA Administration - Delete Utilization Records window Deleting Utilization Results
Run PSA Administration - Start Utilization Run window Starting a Utilization Run

Queued Requests from Template Pages

Upgrade Steps

No upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023.

Included in this Feature

Custom Setting Fields

This section details the items that have been added in this release.

Custom Setting Fields Added in Spring 2023

Custom Setting Field

See PSA Help

Further Information

Email When sObject Cloning Fails "Common Settings" Common Settings