PSA Utilization Analytics Capacity and Demand Planning Dashboard

The PSA Utilization Analytics Capacity and Demand Planning dashboard displays data from the Utilization Results dataset, and is designed to be embedded in the PSA Resource Management workspace. For more information, see Embedding PS Cloud Analytics Dashboards in a Lightning Page.

This dashboard is created as part of the PS Cloud Advanced Analytics app.

This dashboard enables you to:

  • View demand and capacity by Role, Region, Practice or Group.
  • View a breakdown of capacity for your selected date range by Assigned, Held Requests, Unheld Requests and Available Capacity.
  • View resources and their capacity hours for your selected date range and role.
  • Drill through to view details of resources in PSA.

PSA Utilization Analytics Capacity and Demand Planning Dashboard Elements

PSA Utilization Analytics Capacity and Demand Planning dashboard contains the following pages, tables, local filters and components:





  Available Capacity (%) by Role Heatmap chart

Displays a heatmap indicating the distribution of current remaining capacity by role. By default this displays remaining capacity distribution by week ending.

The data displayed on this chart can be filtered by the following drop-down selectors:

  • Hours. Available options are Assigned, Assigned + Held, Assigned + Held + Unheld, Held, and Unheld.
  • Time Grouping. Available options are Week, Month, and Day.
  • View by. Available options are Role, Region, Practice, or Group. A sub-selector enables you to filter RPG data by level.
    Note: The RPG data filtered by this selector is also controlled by the global filters in this dashboard. For example, if your global filter region level is set to Level 00, and you select View by Region, Level 01 in the chart, the chart displays data for Region Level 00, but grouped by Region Level 01.


  Resource Availability Table

Data displayed in the following columns is faceted by the Available Capacity (%) by Role heatmap chart:

  • Resource Name. You can drill on cells in this column to view resource details in your PSA data environment.
  • Resource Role
  • Remaining Hours. This is calculated using the following formula: Calendar Hours - (Billable Assignment Hours, Credited Assignment Hours, Non-Billable Assignment Hours, Time Excluded Assignment Hours, Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours, Held Resource Request Hours, Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours)
  • Billable Assignment Hours
  • Credited Assignment Hours
  • Non-Billable Assignment Hours
  • Held RR Hours
  • Calendar Hours
  • Time Excluded Assignment Hours
  • Utilization Excluded Assignment Hours
  • Utilization Excluded Held RR Hours

Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

You can view values for the Remaining FTE and Total FTE on the tooltip for the Available Capacity (%) by Role heatmap chart. These tooltip values are obtained for each resource, and then calculated based on the heatmap's chosen groupings using the following calculations:


If you calculate against groups of resources, you will get different results than displayed on the tooltip.


Time Period

Dashboard Calculation


Remaining FTE By day Hours Remaining / (ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours * Unique Days) Utilization Results
Total FTE By day Calendar Hours / ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours Utilization Results
Hours Remaining By day Calendar Hours - Hours Used Utilization Results
Hours Used for Assigned By day ValueBillableAssignmentHours + ValueCreditedAssignmentHours + ValueNonBillableAssignmentHours + ValueTimeExcludedAssignmentHours + ValueUtilizationExcludedAssignmentHours Utilization Results
Hours Used for Held By day ValueHeldResourceRequestHours + ValueUtilizationExcludedHeldRRHours Utilization Results
Unheld hours (when Opportunity Weighting is selected) By day ValueResourceRequestSOWHours Project Reporting
Unheld hours (when Opportunity Weighting is not selected) By day ValueResourceRequestWeightedSOWHours Project Reporting
Total FTE By week

Calendar Hours / (ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours * Unique Days)



Unique Days being the distinct days a resource has worked during a particular chosen time period.

Utilization Results
Remaining FTE By week Hours Remaining / (ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours * Unique Days) Utilization Results
Total FTE By month Calendar Hours / (ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours * Unique Days) Utilization Results
Remaining FTE By month Hours Remaining / (ValueStandardWorkCalendarHours * Unique Days) Utilization Results

Editing Dashboard Elements

You can edit some of the elements displayed in the dashboard, according to your reporting and presentational requirements.