Customizing the Value Mappings

To support the complex differences between field values in PSA and Concur, the connector transforms the values from one application before syncing them with the other. This is done according to the mappings defined in a Foundations Data Transformation Table. For more information, see Creating a Data Transformation Table.

Concur to PSA Approval Status Mapping

The connector comes with a predefined set of mappings. You can now directly map approval status values in Concur to approval status values in PSA using the respective mappings.

When creating an expense report in Concur, is created in PSA with the status defined in the Expense Report Status Mapping field. In this case, expense reports also have the Include In Financials field selected in PSA. Underlying expenses in PSA inherit the values of the Status, Submitted, Approved, and Include In Financials fields from the parent expense report.

Concur to PSA Include In Financials Mapping

If you send Expenses and Expense Reports from Concur to PSA, you can configure the connector to map approval status values in Concur to Include In Financials values in PSA.

Concur to PSA Expense Type Mapping

Defines the mappings between expense types in Concur and PSA in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector. The connector uses the mappings when sending expense reports from Concur to PSA. If needed, you can change the default mappings or add new ones.

Concur Approval Status Code to PSA Submitted Mapping

Defines the mapping between approval status values in Concur to submitted values in PSA.

Predefined Default Mappings

Here is a list of predefined mappings.