Synchronizing PSA Information With Concur

Once you have enabled the relevant features using the Feature Console, you can use the connector to send information from PSA to Concur. You can synchronize the following data from PSA to Concur:

  • Project
  • Resources
  • Assignment
  • Project Manager

You can send project, resource, and assignment information using either:

  • The default Send to Third-Party Expenses Application formula fields
  • Custom formula fields

The mappings that define which fields are used to send information are in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings tab.


If your project, resource, or assignment names are longer than 64 characters, these will be truncated to 64 characters in Concur.

Synchronizing Information Using the Default Third-Party Expenses Application Formula Fields

The Send to Third-Party Expenses Application formula fields on the Assignment, Contact, and Project objects control which records are sent to Concur.

On each record, the value is automatically added according to the formula that has been configured on the Send to Third-Party Expenses Application fields. The fields listed in the following table control whether this value is set to True or False and whether a corresponding record is created, updated, or deleted in Concur:


Field Label


Project Active TRUE
Closed For Expense Entry FALSE
Contact (for Resources) Is Resource TRUE
Is Resource Active TRUE
Assignment Closed For Expense Entry FALSE
(On linked project)Closed For Expense Entry FALSE
(On linked contact)Is Resource TRUE
(On linked contact)Is Resource Active TRUE

If the value on the PSA record matches the value shown in the table, the Send to Third-Party Expenses Application formula field on the project, resource, or assignment record is automatically set to True and:

  • A new record is created in Concur, if no corresponding record already exists
  • Any existing Concur record is updated

If the value on the PSA record does not match the value shown in the table, the Send to Third-Party Expenses Application formula field on the project, resource, or assignment record is automatically set to False and if Allow Deletion of Projects, Allow Deletion of Assignments, and Allow Deletion of Resources checkboxes are enabled then any existing Concur record is deleted. For more information, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings.

When an assignment or project is synced to Concur, its Concur Correlation ID is populated with the ID of the related list item in Concur that represents the assignment. You must not change this value manually.

  • Depending on your configuration, the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector will sync project manager information with PSA projects. If the mapped value, for example, email, is blank on the related contact record, the name of the contact is synced to Concur. If you want to delete a contact record that is a project manager, we recommend that you unlink the contact from the project before deleting it.
  • If errors occur when synchronizing projects, resources, and assignments from PSA to Concur, an error email is sent to the system default email address and PSA user who created or updated the record. A Foundations message is also created with the publisher name PSA Direct for Concur Expense/Hierarchy. For more information, see Viewing PSA Direct for Concur Expense Error Messages.

Synchronizing Information Using Custom Formula Fields

If you want to synchronize information from PSA to Concur using custom field of Boolean type with Formula field return type, you must:

  1. Create the custom formula fields in PSA, ensuring that they are set to True to send information from PSA to Concur.
  2. Add them to your page layouts for projects, resources, and assignments.
  3. Update the PSA Field value in the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings tab. For more information, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings. The following are the default fields used for sending information to Concur.
    1. PSAProject SendToThirdPartyExpensesAppli
    2. PSAResource SendToThirdPartyExpensesAppl
    3. PSAAssignment SendToThirdPartyExpensesAp

For more information on customizing fields, see the Salesforce Help.

Deleting Projects, Assignments, or Resources in Concur

You can configure the PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector so that PSA projects, assignments, or resources are deleted in Concur when one of the following occurs in PSA:

  • The Send To Third-Party Expenses Application field is set to False.
  • The Allow Deletion of Projects, Allow Deletion of Assignments, and Allow Deletion of Resources checkboxes are enabled.
  • The project, assignment, or resource is deleted.

If you have configured an alternative custom formula field to send PSA information to Concur, instead of the Send To Third-Party Expense Application field, projects, assignments, or resources can also be deleted when this custom field is set to False.

You can choose to delete:

  • Only projects
  • Only assignments
  • Only resources
  • Any permutation of project, assignment and resource

When an assignment or project is deleted from Concur, its Concur Correlation ID is also removed from PSA.


If the project, project manager, or resource is deleted from Concur, any child assigned to the project, project manager, or resource is automatically deleted.

You can enable the deletion of projects, assignments, or resources using the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings tab. For more information, see Configuring the PSA Direct for Concur Expense Settings.