Creating a Budget Template

To create a budget template:

  1. Do one of the following:
    1. On the Links page, click Budgets | Budget Templates.
    2. On the Planning Workspace tab, in the Navigation Pane, click Budget Templates.
  2. Click Create Template.
  3. Enter the name you want to use for the template in the Title field. The name must be unique within the company.
  4. [Optional] Select the approach. You can select Top-Down and Bottom-Up depending on company requirements. The default approach is selected as Botton-Up.
    1. Top-Down - Approach is suitable for budget allocation.
    2. Button-Up - Approach is suitable for planning.
  5. [Optional] Select the title rule. The rule by which the Budget Line title is generated automatically.
  6. [Optional] Select the calculation rules. These are special rules for generating new Budget Lines using basic lines and pre-configured formulas. You must create a calculation rule for the rules to appear in the list. For more information, see Calculation Rules.
  7. [Optional] Select the type that the budget template supports. The following are the available types:
    • Totals
    • Rate and Quantity
    • Employe and Rate
    • Headcount by Resource
    The default type is Totals. The totals are suitable if the company plans the amount of money, without goods and sales.
  8. When you select Headcount by Resource in the Type field, the GL Accounts field is enabled. Select the GL accounts you want the type to get associated with
  9. [Optional] Enter the description of the budget template.
  10. [Optional] Select sheet group by. By default, when the App Summary is loaded for the first time, the list of lines is. The top-Down is grouped by one of their parameters from the list. The supported groups are:
    • Account
    • Account Subtype
    • Employee
    • Product
  11. [Optional] Enter the revenue title. This is the name used in the terminology of a particular customer. For example, Revenue, Margin, Profit, and so on.
  12. [Optional] Select the dimensions.
  13. [Optional] Enter the line component name. The name of the helper child component that appears on the Budget Line. Helper components are out of the box but can be written locally for individual tasks.
  14. [Optional] Select the yearly budget mode. It determines whether planning needs to be done for a year, without specifying a month or quarter amounts.
  15. When you have finished, click Save to save the changes to the current record.

When you create a new budget, the default template for the selected company is loaded automatically. You can choose a different template or override the details loaded from the default template.