Budget Versions Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a budget version.

Budget Version

Field Name



Budget Versions   If selected, shows the budget version details.
Budget Year   The year for which the budget version is created.
Name   Unique name of the budget version.
Scenario   Indicates whether budget version scenario is best case, worst case, or expected.
Description   Description of the budget version.

Budget Filters

Field Name



Budget Year   Filter the budget with the budget year.
Company   The company for which the budget version is created.
Created By   Indicates the creator of the budget version.
Currency ISO Code   The chosen budget currency which comes from either the company or the corporate currency. The currency is not shown for single currency budgets.
Scenario   Indicates whether budget version scenario is best case, worst case, or expected.
Source   The source of the budget version. It is linked by budget number.
Start Date   The date when the budget version started.
Name   Unique name of the budget version.
Status   Indicates the status of the budget version.


Field Name




Creates a new budget version.


Clears the filter criteria.

Apply   Applies the filter criteria.
  Filters the budget version based on specified filter criteria.