Mapping Rules Fields

Here is a description of the fields (in alphabetical order) that make up a mapping rule.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Mapping Rule Using Planning Fields

Mapping Rule Using Planning Fields
Field Name  


Balance Account   A mapping rule that creates a balance line in a transaction with the selected account. Only if “Balance needed” is checked.
Balance Account Debit/Credit   The credit rate and debit rate line in a generated transaction. It depends on the type of transaction that is created. For example, Income or Expense.
Balance needed   When enabled, the special script balances lines in resulting records. It is used only to generate transaction entries.
Calculation Rules   The calculation rule or a set of rules that runs after the mapping rule process finishes.
Configuration Set   A set of tags used as configurations for a mapping rule. You can run one rule several times with the existing configuration.
Delay   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
Description   Description of the mapping rule.
Folder   The folder that stores the mapping rule.
Resulted Child Tag Dimension   The type of tag that is used as a child result.
Resulted Head Tag Dimension   The type of tag that is used as a parent result.
Run After Jobs Class Name   The apex class after a mapping rule process finishes. It is needed for multi-stage data calculations.
Source Child Tag Dimension   The type of tag that is used as a child source.
Source Child Tag Filter   The filter for the child source tags used by a mapping rule to generate resulting records.
Source Head Tag Dimension   The type of tag that is used as a parent source.
Source Head Tag Filter   The filter for the parent source tags used by a mapping rule to generate resulting records.
Source Object   The Source Object that is used when creating a mapping rule. For example, Planning and Accounting - Reporting Balances.
Split result   When enabled, each source tag has a separate result tag.

Indicates the status of the mapping rule.

  • Draft
  • Active

Initially, a mapping rule is created in draft status but you cannot use the mapping rule to start the data generation.

Template   When selected, the mapping rule is used as a template when creating a new budget. By default, it is deselected.
Title * Unique name for the mapping rule to distinguish one from another.

Mapping Rule Using Accounting - Reporting Balances Fields

Mapping Rule Using Accounting - Reporting Balances
Field Name   Description
  Deletes the selection of Accounting period and Planning period.
Accounting Period   When selected, the mapping rule is used for that specific period in Accounting.
Budget Currency   The chosen budget currency which comes from either the company or the corporate currency.
Budget Name * Unique name for the budget associated with the mapping rule.
Company *

The company related to the mapping rule.

Note: The company is dependent on the selection of the start date, end date, and reporting balance type.
Description   Description for the budget.
Dimension   Applies filters to General Ledger Accounts used to select budgets when creating a new mapping rule.
End Date * The date when the reporting balance ended.
Mapping Rule Details  

Stores all information related to the budget. You must click save to store the information.

Name * Unique name of the mapping rule.
Parent Budget   The budget from which previous years’ budget data is imported.
Planning Period   When selected, the mapping rule is used for that specific period in Planning.
Reporting Balance Type * The reporting balance type associated with the mapping rule.
Start Date * The date when the reporting balance started.
Template * The budget template with which the budget is associated.
Year * The year with which the budget is associated.

Mapping Rule Using Planning Buttons

Mapping Rule Using Planning Buttons
Button Name Description
Apply Applies the mapping rule.
Apply Default Template Creates a mapping rule as the default template.
Import The mapping of the rule is copied by uploading to JSON and then uploading data to a new rule.
New Creates a new mapping rule.
Save Saves the mapping rule record.
Save as Draft Saves the mapping rule as a draft.
Undo Undoes the mapping rule.
Unlink Unlinks the mapping rule from the list page.