Tag Fields

Here is a description of the fields (in alphabetical order) that make up a tag.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Tag Fields
Field Name   Description
Access Dimension   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
Access Tag   Used to apply sharing rules to tags of different dimensions.
Account CRM   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
Boolean 1 - 6   Stores boolean data used in the assigned dimension.
Created By   Unique user ID that creates the record.
Currency   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
Date 1 - 5   Stores date data in the assigned dimension.
Date Time 1   Stores date data in the assigned dimension.
Dates Are Valid   The valid date. Returns true if the current date is between the start and end dates.
Decimal 1- 12   Stores decimal data in the assigned dimension.
Dimension * Lookup to the dimension.
Dimension Name   Unique name of the assigned dimension.
Dimension Page Header   Page header of the assigned dimension.
Drill Down   Stores list of ID's of related records.
Drill Down Log   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
End   The end of the current tag activity.
Extension   For internal use only. Do not change this setting.
External ID   The external ID of the source record.
Folder   Lookup to the assigned folder.
Headcount   Imports headcount by resource lines into the budget.
Index   The custom index of the record.
Is Locked   Used in approval processes to define that record cannot be modified.
Is Undeletable   The isUndeletable checkbox is used from the assigned dimension.
Label Name   Used in trigger to contain the label.
Last Modified By   Lookup to the user who modified the record last.
Mapping Rule Template   When selected, the mapping rule template is automatically selected when creating a new budget template.
Name   Name of the current tag.
Order Number   The number that is used in order to apply for the custom order in tag lists.
Owner   Lookup to the user who owns the record.
Price Book   Lookup to the assigned price book.
Product   Lookup to the assigned product.
Related Dimension 1 -3   The RelatedDimension1__c field from the assigned dimension.
Start   The start of the current tag activity.
Status   The status of the current tag and used in approval processes.
Status Change Date   Updated in the trigger when the status is changed.
Tag 1- 10   Used to store lookups in the assigned dimension.
Tag Auto Number   Unique Tag number.
Tag Label   The label of the tag.
Tag Name 1- 10   The name of the tag is assigned in the respective Tag1-10 field.
Text 1- 10   Stores the short text data determined in the assigned dimension.
Text Long 1- 10   Stores the long text data determined in the assigned dimension.
User   The assigned user to the current record.
User Name   The RelatedDimension1__c field from the assigned dimension.