Discarding Recognition Transactions

The Discard process allows you to rollback a committed recognition transaction. You might need to do this if a transaction was committed in error. Once a recognition transaction has been discarded you can delete it if your business processes do not require it to be retained.

Typically only a limited number of users on your org will have permission to discard recognition transactions. See Custom Permissions in Revenue Management for more information.

When you discard a recognition transaction, any associated recognized revenue or cost is reversed and the associated source records are updated as follows:

  • Recognized to Date values are rolled back to remove all the revenue and cost values added by the transaction.
  • The Recognition Complete field is deselected if it is no longer applicable.

When a recognition transaction is linked to an Accounting journal, you can only discard the recognition transaction if the Accounting journal has been discarded, canceled, or reversed.

To discard a recognition transaction:

  1. Click the Recognition Transactions tab.
  2. Choose a view from the drop-down list.
  3. Locate the relevant transaction and click its transaction number.
  4. On the transaction's detail page, check its status is "Committed". You cannot discard a transaction with a status other than "Committed".
  5. Once you are sure this is the transaction you want to discard, click Discard.

If Revenue Management successfully discards the transaction its status changes to "Discarded". If the discard fails for any reason, the transaction's status remains as "Committed". If an associated source record cannot be updated for any reason, the discard process fails.

More Information About Discarded Transactions

Recognition transactions with the "Discarded" status are not included in Recognized to Date calculations nor in any other Revenue Management calculations.

Source record values recorded on discarded transactions can be recognized afresh.

When submitting a new recognition transaction, Revenue Management ignores discarded transactions when checking if there are existing "In Progress" transaction lines to Replace or Retain.