Revenue Management Background Process Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a Revenue Management background process and its child records. For information about these records, see Revenue Management Background Processes and Filters.

Revenue Management Background Process

Field Description
Currently Running Process Lookup to the RM background process child record that is currently running.
Error Contains any errors relating to the Revenue Management background process.
RM Background Process Name A name that uniquely identifies the Revenue Management background process, in the format RMBP-00000000.
Status The status of the Revenue Management background process. The possible values are: Pending, Started, Finished, Error.

RM Background Process Child

Field Description
Error Contains any errors relating to the RM background process child record.
Process Run The process run that this RM background process child record relates to.
Process Type The process run's type: Delete Schedules Where Source Unavailable, Generate Schedules, Recognize Schedules, Summarize Transactions, Create Journals.
Revenue Management Background Process The Revenue Management background process that this child record relates to.
RM Background Process Child Name

A name that uniquely identifies the RM background process child record, in the format RMBPC-00000000.

Status The status of the RM background process child record. The possible values are: Pending, Started, Finished, Error.

RM Background Process Filter

Field Description
Filtered Type Indicates what the background process was filtered by: company, currency, account, product, or recognition stream.
Revenue Management Background Process The Revenue Management background process that this filter record relates to.
RM Background Process Filter Name A name that uniquely identifies the RM background process filter record, in the format RMBPF-00000000.
Value The value that was filtered on. Depending on the Filtered Type, this is a company or currency name, an account or product ID, or the API name of the source object identified in the settings record for the recognition stream.