Upgrade RM-BC Integration to Spring 2021

This Feature Console page updates the integration between Revenue Management and Billing Central to support recognition schedules.

If you have enabled the Enabling Revenue Recognition for BC feature in a version of Revenue Management prior to Spring 2021 and you intend using recognition schedules, you must enable this upgrade feature.


If you have not previously enabled the Enabling Revenue Recognition for BC feature, do not enable this upgrade feature. Instead you must enable that feature as explained in Enabling Revenue Recognition for Billing Contracts.

Ensure that you have system administrator permissions before attempting to enable this feature. For more information about prerequisites, see Enabling and Disabling Features.

To enable this feature:

  1. For step 1, check that the separate Upgrade to Spring 2021 feature is enabled. Click Mark as Done to confirm.
  2. Click Perform for steps 2-4 in turn. When a step has completed, its Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  3. Manually perform step 5 to update the "Revenue Management on Billing Central" permission set. Click Mark as Done when you have completed the updates. The updates you must make are:
    • Add Read and Edit access for the BCContractLineItem field on the Recognition Schedule object
    • Add Read and Edit access for the BCContract field on the Recognition Schedule Line object
    • Add Read and Edit access for the BCContractLineItem field on the Recognition Schedule Line object
    • Add Read access for the ProductService field on the Recognition Schedule Line object
  4. Manually perform step 6 to update the BC Contract Lines recognition settings record. Click Mark as Done when you have completed the following edits:
    • In the Recognition Schedule Line Lookups field, enter the API names of the Billing Contract and Billing Contract Line Item lookup fields on the Recognition Schedule Line object: ffrrBCContract__c,ffrrBCContractLineItem__c
    • In the Parent Relationship Paths field, enter the API names of lookup fields that will populate the Recognition Schedule Line Lookups: ffbc__Contract__c,Id

Next Steps

For more information about revenue schedules, see About Recognition Schedules.