Purchase Contract Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a purchase contract.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field Name   Description
Amount Matched   The sum of the amounts on purchase contract lines that have been matched.
Amount on Order   The sum of the values in the Amount on Order field of all purchase contract lines.
Amount Received   The sum of the amounts on purchase contract lines that have been received.
Buyer   Lookup to the user that created the purchase contract.
Currency   This field defaults to the currency specified on the selected supplier site. If no currency has been specified on the supplier site, the field defaults to the corporate currency.
End Date   The date on which the contract ends. The end date must occur after the start date.
Maximum Amount to Order   The maximum spend you can order for the purchase contract. If you want the purchase contract to have an unlimited amount, leave this field blank.
Maximum Quantity to Order  

The maximum number of units you can order for the purchase contract. If you want the purchase contract to have an unlimited quantity, leave this field blank.


We recommend that you do not specify a maximum quantity for your contract if any of its contract lines is reflecting subscriptions for intangible items such as software licenses.

Original Purchase Contract  

Lookup to the original contract. This field is used when working with change requests.

Note: This field must not be visible in any purchase contract page layout. The aim of this field is to create a relationship between objects so that a change request can be associated with its original contract. However, it is not required on page layouts in order to manage purchase contract change requests.
Previous Contract  

Lookup to the previous contract. This field is used when working with change requests.

Note: This field must not be visible in any purchase contract page layout. The aim of this field is to create a relationship between objects so that original contracts and change requests can be associated with their preceding contract versions. However, it is not required on page layouts in order to manage purchase contract change requests.
Quantity Matched   The sum of the quantities on purchase contract lines that have been matched.
Quantity on Order   The sum of the values in the Quantity on Order field of all purchase contract lines.
Quantity Received   The sum of the quantities on purchase contract lines that have been received.
Remaining Amount to Order   The remaining amount that you can order on the purchase contract. This field only populates when you define a maximum sum to spend on the Maximum Amount to Order field. If you don't define a value in the previously stated field, the Remaining Amount to Order field remains blank.
Remaining Quantity to Order   The remaining number of units that you can order on the purchase contract. This field only populates when you define a maximum quantity on the Maximum Quantity to Order field. If you don't define a value in the previously stated field, the Remaining Quantity to Order field remains blank.
Renewal Reminder   The date on which to report that the purchase contract is due for renewal.
Ship to Warehouse   Use this lookup to select the warehouse you want to associate with the purchase contract. The purchase contract line items will be shipped to the warehouse you select.
Start Date * The date from which the purchase contract is effective.
Status *

The current purchase contract status. Can be one of the following:

  • Draft - Indicates you can edit, delete, and cancel the contract.
  • Submitted for Approval - Indicates the contract was submitted for approval. Contracts in this status can still be edited, deleted or canceled.
  • Approved - Indicates the contract has been approved. You cannot edit or delete the contract.
  • Active - A contract is active either because it has been manually activated or because it has reached its start date. You cannot edit or delete an active purchase contract unless you create a change request.
  • Canceled - Indicates the contract has been canceled. You cannot edit or delete a canceled purchase contract.
  • Complete - A purchase contract is automatically set to a status of "Complete" when:
    • The amount in the Amount on Order field reaches the amount specified in the Maximum Amount To Order field of the purchase contract.

    • The quantity in the Quantity on Order field reaches the quantity specified in the Maximum Quantity to Order field of the purchase contract.

    • The status of all its purchase contract lines is "Complete".

  • Expired - Indicates the end date of the contract has been reached.
  • Superseded - This is used for change requests. Indicates the proposed changes have been applied to the original contract. You cannot edit, cancel, or delete a contract with this status.
Supplier Contact   Use this lookup to select the supplier contact you want to associate with the purchase contract.
Supplier Site * Use this lookup to select the supplier site you want to associate with the purchase contract.

Purchase Contract Line Fields

Here is a description of the fields available on a purchase contract line.

Key: * – Mandatory field.

Field Name   Description
Amount Matched   The sum of the matched amounts on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.
Amount on Order   The sum of the values in the Total Cost field of purchase order line items associated with the purchase contract line.
Amount Received   The sum of the received amounts on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.
Buyer   Use this lookup to select the user that created the purchase contract line. If you leave this field blank, the buyer specified on the purchase contract header will be used.
Category * The category of the goods or services being contracted. This field is used for category purchase contract lines. The category corresponds to a product group that has been defined as a category. For more information, see Marking Product Groups as Categories for Indirect Procurement. This field is mandatory for purchase order lines of type Category.
Condition   Use this lookup to select the condition code of the goods or services that you are purchasing.
Days until Expiration   Number of days left before the purchase contract line expires.
Description * Use this field to enter the goods or services that you are purchasing if these goods or services have no item master set up.
End Date   The date on which the purchase contract line stops being effective. You must enter an end date that is before or on the purchase contract end date. If you leave this field blank, the end date specified on the purchase contract header will be used.
Item Being Procured *

Use this lookup to select the goods or services that you are purchasing. You can select only goods or services that have an item master set up.

Line Type   The record type of the purchase contract line.
Maximum Amount to Order   The maximum spend you can order for the purchase contract line. You must enter an amount that is equal to or less than the Maximum Amount to Order specified on the purchase contract. If you want to apply the amount specified on the purchase contract header, leave this field blank.
Maximum Quantity to Order  

The maximum number of units you can order for the purchase contract line. You must enter a quantity that is equal to or less than the Maximum Quantity to Order specified on the purchase contract. If you want to apply the quantity specified on the purchase contract header, leave this field blank.


We recommend that you do not specify a maximum quantity for the contract lines if they are reflecting subscriptions for intangible items such as software licenses.

Original Contract Line  

Lookup to the original purchase contract line. This field is used when working with change request lines.

Note: This field must not be visible in any purchase contract line page layout. The aim of this field is to create a relationship between objects so that a change request line can be associated with its original contract line. However, it is not required on page layouts in order to manage purchase contract change requests.
Percentage of Amount Matched   Percentage of Maximum Amount to Order that has been matched in AP voucher lines for the purchase contract line.
Percentage of Quantity Matched   Percentage of Maximum Quantity to Order that has been matched in AP voucher lines for the purchase contract line.
Previous Contract Line  

Lookup to the previous contract line. This field is used when working with change request lines.

Note: This field must not be visible in any purchase contract line page layout. The aim of this field is to create a relationship between objects so that original contract lines and change request lines can be associated with their equivalent lines on preceding contract versions. However, it is not required on page layouts in order to manage purchase contract change requests.
Purchase Contract * The purchase contract with which the purchase contract line is associated.
Quantity   The number of units of goods or services to include in the purchase contract line. When managing subscriptions, the value in this field can be used to indicate the quantities to include in the purchase order line items of the recurring purchase orders created from a purchase contract.
Quantity Matched   The sum of the matched quantities on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.
Quantity on Order   The sum of the values in the Quantity field of purchase order line items associated with the purchase contract line.
Quantity Received   The sum of the received quantities on the purchase order lines associated with this purchase contract line.
Remaining Amount to Order   The remaining amount that you can order on the purchase contract line. This field only populates when you define a maximum sum to spend on the Maximum Amount to Order field. If you don't define a value in the previously stated field, the Remaining Amount to Order field remains blank.
Remaining Quantity to Order   The remaining number of units that you can order on the purchase contract line. This field only populates when you define a maximum quantity on the Maximum Quantity to Order field. If you don't define a value in the previously stated field, the Remaining Quantity to Order field remains blank.
Requisition Line   The requisition line to which the purchase contract line relates.
Ship to Warehouse   Use this lookup to select the warehouse you want to associate with the purchase contract line. If you leave this field blank, the warehouse specified on the purchase contract header will be used.
Start Date   The date from which the purchase contract line is effective. You must enter a start date that is on or after the purchase contract start date. If you leave this field blank, the start date specified on the purchase contract header will be used.
Status *

The current purchase contract line status. Can be one of the following:

  • Draft - Indicates you can edit and delete the line.
  • Active - A line is active either because the associated purchase contract was manually activated or because it has reached its start date. You cannot edit or delete an active purchase contract line unless you create a change request for the purchase contract the line is associated with.
  • Canceled - A line is canceled if its associated contract is canceled.
  • Complete - A purchase contract line is automatically set to a status of "Complete" when:
    • The amount in the Amount on Order field reaches the amount specified in the Maximum Amount To Order field of the purchase contract line.

    • The quantity in the Quantity on Order field reaches the quantity specified in the Maximum Quantity to Order field of the purchase contract line.

    • The associated contract has a status of "Complete".

  • Expired - Indicates the end date of the line has been reached.
  • Superseded - Indicates the line has been replaced by another contract line. You cannot edit a contract line with this status.
Supplier Contact   Use this lookup to select the supplier contact you want to associate with the purchase contract line. If you leave this field blank, the supplier contact specified on the purchase contract header will be used.
Unit Cost * The unit cost of the goods or services that you are purchasing.


Here is a description of the buttons available on a purchase contract record.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

Button Name   Description
Activate Purchase Contract   Activates the purchase contract. For more information, see Activating a Purchase Contract.
Cancel Purchase Contract   Cancels the purchase contract and its purchase contract lines.
Delete   Deletes the purchase contract.
Edit   Edits the purchase contract.
New Drop Ship Purchase Order   Creates a new drop ship purchase order.
New Internal Purchase Order   Creates a new internal purchase order.
Submit for Approval   Submits the purchase contract for approval.
Apply Change Request L Applies a change request to its purchase contract. For more information, see Applying a Change Request.
New Recurring Purchase Order L

Creates a recurring purchase order from the purchase contract. For more information, see Creating a Recurring Purchase Order from an Active Purchase Contract.

Create Renewal L Renews a purchase contract. For more information, see Renewing a Purchase Contract.