Picklist Fields

Picklists are lists of items to be taken from their location in the warehouse to fulfill a sales order, service purchase order, or when items are to be transferred from one warehouse to another. Here is a description of the fields on a picklist.

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Picklist Details R Indicates the number of picklist details associated with the picklist.
Picklist Name R Unique name of the picklist.
Picklist Type R Indicates whether the picklist is for a sales order, service purchase order, production order or transfer request.
Production Order R When the picklist is a Production Order Pick-list, indicates the production order to which the picklist relates.
Purchase Order R When the picklist is a , Supplier Purchase Order Pick-list indicates the purchase order to which the picklist relates. For instance, this field is populated when a service purchase order is raised for an item to be sent back to the manufacturer for servicing.
Sales Order R When the picklist is a Customer Sales Order Pick-list, indicates the sales order to which the picklist relates.
Shipment R Shipment to which the picklist relates. This is the shipment for the items included in the picklist.
Status R Indicates the Status of the item to which the picklist relates. New indicates that the item is ready to be picked. In Process means that the item is in the warehouse ready for shipping. Complete means that the item has been shipped.
Transfer Request R When the picklist is a Transfer to a Different Warehouse Pick-List, indicates the transfer request to which the picklist relates.

Picklist Detail Fields

Field   Description
Inventory Detail R When an item has not yet shipped, indicates the inventory position record for the inventory that has been allocated to the picklist.
Issuing Warehouse R The warehouse from which the items have been allocated.
Picklist R Picklist to which this record relates.
Pick-list Detail R Unique name of the picklist detail record.
Production Order Line Item R The production order line item to which the picklist detail record relates.
Purchase Order Line Item R The purchase order line item to which the picklist detail record relates.
Sales Order Line Item R The sales order line item to which the picklist detail record relates.
SCM Currency R The SCM currency of the inventory associated with this picklist detail record.
Status R Status of the item. New indicates that the item is ready to be picked. Picked means that the item has been picked and is in the warehouse ready for shipping. Shipped means that the item has been shipped.