Setting up SCM

Installations are carried out by the Certinia Onboarding team. To install Certinia Supply Chain Management (SCM), first make sure that the required packages are installed in your org, then contact your Customer Support representative.

Dependencies on Other Certinia Packages

SCM Winter 2023 requires the following Certinia packages to be installed:

  • Certinia Foundations Winter 2023

Post-Install Steps

If you have permissions to do so, you can follow the steps described in this section to set up and configure SCM. You must be logged in as an administrator or equivalent to perform the steps.

SCM Post-Install Steps


Related Help Topic

Manage permission sets and permission set groups for your users.

SCM Functional Permissions Overview


Permissions for Action Queues

Set up SCM users. Setting up SCM Users

If your users are working in Classic, add the Customer Return Lines standard related list to Customer Return Layout on the Customer Return object.

Note: This is only required when using Classic. For Lightning users, the Customer Return Lines related list displays by default on customer returns as long as the Customer Return Lightning Page (CustomerReturnLightningPage) is active.

For more information about page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

Initial Data Setup

This section describes the data setup tasks that you need to carry out if you are an administrator setting up SCM for the first time. You must be logged in as an administrator or equivalent to perform the steps.

SCM Initial Data Setup


Related Help Topic

Configure SCM data. Codes

Optional Setup Tasks

The following setup tasks are optional. You must be logged in as an administrator or equivalent to perform these optional tasks.

SCM Optional Setup Tasks


Related Help Topic

Set up approval processes. Setting up Approval Processes
Customize your configuration options. Managing Custom Settings from Setup

Customize field-level help.

Fore more information about field-level help, see the Salesforce Help.

Supported Browsers

Certinia SCM supports the same browsers as those supported by Salesforce with the following exception:

  • Certinia SCM Spring 2020 and later versions do not support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 for Lightning Experience.

See "Supported Browsers" in the Salesforce Help for a full list of browsers supported by Salesforce.


Ensure popup blockers are turned off for Salesforce in your browser settings.